Theophillis Goodyear: Internet, Undersea Cables, Africa, and Digital Remittances

Internet access has become a vital public interest. Cutting it off is almost like cutting off our air.  I can’t imagine mankind transcending all of the challenges we’re facing without the internet. It’s gone beyond being a luxury to being an absolute necessity for positive social transformation. Epic net outage in Africa as FOUR undersea …

Berto Jongman: Internet Censorship – Corporate Control

Tech giants have power to be political masters as well as our web ones The Arab spring showed how multinationals can wield power without responsibility by controlling internet access John Naughton The Observer, 25 February 2012 Among all the excited commentary about the role of social networking in the Arab spring, one uncomfortable fact stands …

Michel Bauwens: Life of the Internet or Internet as Our Life?

Below by Nick Mendoza is recommended! Up front extract: With the decline of state capitalism, capitalist governments and corporations now dream of the internet as the tool for corporate growth through ontological colonialism, free to expand within the mind and the planet, exploiting everyone alike. Metal, code, flesh: Why we need a ‘Rights of the …

Venessa Miemis: Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems

Am reviving the Autonomous Internet Roadmap at the P2P Foundation. Found this in passing. Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems (IRIS) at MIT Directly Related Projects Chord: Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Open DHT: A Publicly Accessible DHT Service Kademlia: XOR metric-based routing Coral: The NYU Distribution Network Ocean Store: Providing Global-Scale Persistent Data Pastry: An infrastructure for …

Berto Jongman: Kurzweil Blog – Bypass the Internet!

Bypass the Internet! Amara D. Angelica Kurzweil Blog, January 30, 2012 I’m sick of hearing about how we need to cave into repressive governments and throttle back Google, Twitter, Facebook, and other information services and accept Web censorship and limits on free expression. Get the hell off my cloud. “If a full-surveillance world prevents us …

Theophillis Goodyear: Role of the Internet After the Crash

After the world economy crashes there’s bound to be a lot of cvil unrest. Obviously the internet can be used to organize civil unrest, which will make authorities want to control it, perhaps even eliminate it. But after the crash, the most pressing problem will be organizing the basic necessities of life, like water, food, …