Review: Cyber-War – The Next Threat to National Security and What To Do About It

Richard Clarke 4.0 out of 5 stars Clarke is Always Worth Reading–and Always 20 Years Behind, March 31, 2012 I wrote the original letter to Marty Harris at the National Information Infrastructure, it–and the attachments developed with Winn Schwartau, Jim Anderson, and Bill Caeli–are easily found by searching for < 1994 Sounding the Alarm source=phibetaiota …

DefDog: Feds Hype Cyber-Threat, Seek DHS Mandates & Money

Feds Warn of Cyber Threats, Seek Expanded Authority for DHS By Kenneth Corbin March 28, 2012 — CIO — Federal cybersecurity officials on Wednesday gave lawmakers a sobering warning about the vulnerabilities of critical information technology systems across the public and private sectors, describing a laundry list of threats and the challenge of keeping up …

Review: How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom and Power to Construct the Future

Alexander Christakis, Kenneth Bausch 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 for Original, 4 For Density, October 25, 2011 The primary author of this book was closely associated with Dr. Jan Warfield, one of the giants of reflexive practice and cybernetic coherence, along with Dr. Russell Ackoff, and that alone makes this book a special read …

2011 Cyber-Command or IO 21 + IO Roots

Briefing  (28 Slides) Version 3.2 (Notes As Delivered) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Starting Point 2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings Below the Line: Unclassified Impressions & Questions, Three Books on Truth, Past OSINT and IO References with Emphasis on Multinational Sharing and Sense-Making