Jean Lievens: Rachel Botsman – How We Treat People Will Craft Our World – Collaborative Consumption and the Sharing Economy

Rachel Botsman: How We Treat People Will Ultimately Drive Our World Rachel Botsman advocated the advantage of reputation capital at Wired Money in London yesterday. She noted that an economy based on reputation is incredibly empowering, and will take us away from a financial world “based largely on faceless transactions and moving us to an …

2013 Robert Steele: Concise Summary of Three Paths to a Prosperous World at Peace

I know of three ways to get from today to a prosperous world at peace, a world that works for all — all three merit consideration as a whole. 01. Open Source Everything (OSE). This is the technical solution. The US Government is ignorant and arrogant in part because the cult of secrecy and the …

Berto Jongman: Mike Haydon on TV “Security and Transparency a Zero-Sum Game” — Robert Steele Comments

Former CIA Head Warns David Gregory: We’ll Have To Be ‘Less Effective To Be A Little More Transparent’ Former CIA Director Michael Hayden told Meet the Press’ David Gregory on Sunday morning that security and transparency were a zero-sum game. “For part of my life, when I was running the NSA program, I thought lawful, …

Mini-Me: Obama Goes to Cyber-War, Not Realizing The Depth and Breadth of the Lies He Hears and Reads — Professional Interrogation of General Alexander and Others Recommended

Huh? White House: Obama adjusting use of cyber offense in response to threats EXTRACT: Gen. Keith Alexander, the top officer at U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, testified March 12 before the Senate Armed Services Committee that the potential for an attack against the nation’s electric grid and other essential systems is real …

Berto Jongman: US Attacking Iran and China — While Living in a Glass House

Silent War On the hidden battlefields of history’s first known cyber-war, the casualties are piling up. In the U.S., many banks have been hit, and the telecommunications industry seriously damaged, likely in retaliation for several major attacks on Iran. Washington and Tehran are ramping up their cyber-arsenals, built on a black-market digital arms bazaar, enmeshing …

Berto Jongman: McKinsey 12 Technologies Driving the Future — With Comment from Robert Steele

These 12 technologies will drive our economic future Neil Irwin Washington Post, 24 May 2013 As the chart shows, the McKinsey folks believe that the most economically significant technologies over the next decade-plus will be those already well underway in their development — the mobile Internet, largely in place in the adv Indeed, maybe the …

SmartPlanet: US Encouraged to Allow Private Retaliation Attacks Against Hackers — Pathetic Insanity Spurred on by Incapacity of USG — + Cyber-Idiocy Meta-RECAP

U.S. encouraged to allow firms to retaliate against hackers Throwing money at creating cyberpolice forces and technology to keep up with digital threats may not be the only tactics the U.S. will employ in the future. As a meeting between President Obama and the new president of China, Xi Jinping, draws near, former senior officials …