Mongoose: US Corruption Goes Parabolic — Bitchain as a Control Vehicle for Confiscating Money

The Corruption In The U.S. Has Reached Insane Levels – Dave Kranzler A digital currency system not only will enable the Government to monitor everything you do with your money, it will also enable them to more easily “corral” any money you keep in a bank in order to use that capital for the bail-ins which …

Sepp Hasslberger: Swiss Citizen’s Initiative to Take Money Creation Away from Commercial Banks

Citizens’ initiative in Switzerland to take money creation away from commercial banks. Next step is debate and then a referendum of all Swiss citizens. Swiss citizens’ initiative collects 105,000 signatures, triggers referendum on Money Creation With the full power of new money creation exclusively in the hands of the Swiss National Bank, the commercial banks …

Neal Rauhauser: Russian Information Operations The Menace of Unreality – How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture and Money

The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlim Weaponizes Information, Culture and Money covers the Kremlin’s methods and motives as they spread the influence modern Russia, rightly called a mafia state. The concept of “Operations Psychological”, as defined by Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, plays a prominent role …