Journal: Spinney, Boyd, Green, Kuhn on “Can America Be Salvaged?–Public Intelligence Aspects”

This lengthy piece is organized as follows: 1)  Chuck Spinney on how our partisan “leaders” are disconnected from reality and leading us over a cliff, with reference to John Boyd. 2.  An extract and link to the always brilliant CounterPunch where David Michael Green discusses the core issue: Can America be salvaged? 3.  A Phi …

About the Journal of Public Intelligence (JPI)

The purpose of the Journal of Public Intelligence (JPI) is to sharply distinguish the nature of public intelligence (decision-support) that is in the public interest and also openly available to the public, as opposed to secret intelligence (mostly secret information, not actually decision-support), and to serve as the primary free onlined source for Multinational, Multiagency, …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Marshall Auerback

Marshall Auerback has 27 years of experience in the investment management business, serving as a global portfolio strategist for RAB Capital Plc, a UK-based fund management group with $2 billion under management, since 2003. He is also co-manager of the RAB Gold Fund. He serves as an economic consultant to PIMCO, the world’s largest bond …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Jack Davis

PLATINUM LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Jack Davis For over three decades, Jack Davis has been the heir to Sherman Kent and the mentor to all those who would strive to be the world’s most effective all-source intelligence analysts.  As a Central Intelligence Agency analyst and educator, he combines intellect, integrity, insight, and an insatiable appetite for …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Doug Dearth

Dr. Doug Dearth, in partnership with Col Al Campen, USAF (Ret) will always remain the original Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) pioneer for both Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Cyber-War. It was his sponsorship, from within the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center (JMITC) that led to the creation of the first-ever official Open Source Intelligence Handbook …