Berto Jongman: Water Inequality Leading to Global Disaster

Scientists say we’re in for a “global disaster” if we don’t solve water inequality Scientists looking at over a decade of data from NASA satellites have found a startling pattern: All over the world, wet regions are becoming wetter, while dry regions grow drier. See Also: Water @ Phi Beta Iota

Chuck Spinney: Israel Takes More Land and Water from Palestinians

Kudos to Haaretz for its integrity. Palestinian villagers tilled their land so well, Israel is now confiscating it from them The separation barrier will cut residents of Al-Walaja from their lands by the end of the year; the beauty of the terraces they cultivated for decades was used as one of the main reasons for …

Yoda: Faircap Project Open source 3D printed water filter aims to solve global crisis for just $1

The Faircap Project is a collaborative, clean water initiative, whose aim is to create an affordable open source 3D printed water filtration device that could provide clean, safe, drinkable water to those in need. The startup has already created a working prototype, but is now calling on engineers, designers, microbiologists, or anyone interested in helping to …

Ty Simpson: Governor of Michigan Gave GM a Special Water Hook-Up

While the Children in Flint Were Given Poisoned Water to Drink, General Motors Was Given a Special Hookup to the Clean Water: Shortly after Gov. Snyder removed Flint from the clean fresh water, GM complained to him that the Flint River water caused their car parts to corrode when washed on the assembly line. The …