Penguin: #GoogleGestapo Web 3.0 Thoughts from Bradley Stephenson UPDATE Anon AR Comments

Alert Reader Brad Stepheson writes in: I’m writing to provide some of my industry perspective from within an open source community project focused on foundational elements of Web 3.0. You are very much keyed-in on the importance of Web 3.0 decentralization, re “…G Gestapo”, censorship, etc.. I recall you’ve broached this during many of your …

Berto Jongman: Web 3.0 – Displacement of #GoogleGestapo?

Web 3.0: The Decentralised Web Promises to Make the Internet Free Again Edina Harbinja and Vasileios Karagiannopoulos Have you recently considered deleting your Facebook account, boycotting Amazon or trying to find an alternative to Google? You wouldn’t be alone. The tech giants are invading our privacy, misusing our data, strangling economic growth and helping governments …

Web 3.0

I have embarked on a new project, to define Web 3.0 as a distributed, federated, LOCALIZED combination of data sharing, information technology, and open source everything engineering that cannot be censored nor surveilled. An information steering group has been formed and hasbegin work. is now open.