Koko: Fukushima Radiation Update for US West Coast

2013-02-20  U.S. bluefin tuna still contaminated with Fukushima radiation — Study: Cesium found in 100% of small, recently migrated tuna tested Forbes, Feb. 20, 2013: […] Last week one of the authors of the study from last year, Daniel J. Madigan from Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station—along with five other scientists— published a new follow-up …

Open Power: Democracy Lost & Found Essay, Book Review Blurbs and Links [Updated 3 MAR 2015]

NEW: Kindle Book Open Power ($2.99) OLD: Core Documents for Both Initiatives (Free) OLD: the foundation book The Open Source Everything Manifesto ROBERT STEELE: There are two schools of thought on effecting political (and hence economic and social) reform. One school is the school of love — this school emphasizes trust building and doing no …

Chuck Spinney: Neo-Imperialism and the Arrogance of Ignorance with Extended Comments and Additional Readings

My latest screed on US pol-mil policy, a shorter version of this appeared on 27 Feb in the Time Battleland Blog here. Chuck Spinney Africa and AFRICOM:Neo-Imperialism and the Arrogance of Ignorance by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch, WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 1-3, 2013 Most Americans do not realize the extent to which the U.S. is becoming involved …

Stuart Umpleby: Role of Cybernetics in Intelligence — Extrapolation

Downloadable Document:  2011 AAAS Security Policy & Cybernetics Dr. Stuart Umpleby As I understand it, the fundamental problem with secret intelligence is too much self-reference and too little peer review.  Stated differently, any advice from a subordinate to a superior has two components — describing some observed system and wanting to please the boss.  Peer …

John Maguire: An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook

An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook Sandy Hook in a New Light: Lately I find myself attempting to fit both personal experience and global events into a General Systems framework. General Systems Theory is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry pioneered by biologist Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy. It seeks to expound principles that are applicable to …