Dr. Russell Ackoff (P): Reflections on IC and DoD + Design RECAP

Doing the Right Thing for IC and DoD Dr. Russell Ackoff (P) The President wants $400B shaved off security over 12 years. The DNI thinks he is excluded from that number. Possibly, but that’s only because the President hasn’t yet come up with a similar number for intelligence. $80B for all intelligence is too much, …

Seth Godin: Organization, Movement, or Philosophy?

Organization vs. movement vs. philosophy An organization uses structure and resources and power to make things happen. Organizations hire people, issue policies, buy things, erect buildings, earn market share and get things done. Your company is probably an organization. A movement has an emotional heart. A movement might use an organization, but it can replace …

Crazy, Maybe True: US/Israel Role in Japan Disaster — State Eco-Terrorism, Nuclear or HAARP Trigger, Supplementary “Camera Bombs” from Israeli Security Company — Germany Being Blackmailed Also?

Phi Beta Iota: The world is in an interregnum, between “rule by secrecy” and lies from power as the norm, and a very ugly baby Web 4.0 in which bottom-up truth struggles to emerge.  We will have a great deal of baby poop to deal with, but over time, public intelligence in the public interest …


Updated 1 June 2017 Below in two columns are righteous sites and professional sites of note. RIGHTEOUS SITES OF NOTE 9/11 Archive.org AbundanceHub.com Academic Earth Adblock Plus (add-on) A Force More Powerful AfricanFossils.org Afrigadget A Human Right (Internet Access) Aid Data Akshaya Trust (feeding & housing) ALEC Exposed Alliance for Separation of School & State …