Robert Steele: UMD Does It Again – Graphene-Based Light Detector Can “See” Much That Has Been Hidden

The University of Maryland is a national treasure, one I consider the equal of MIT in part because it is much more focused on practical needs. Many possibilities in the way of innovative technology have been repressed these past decades by proprietary interests, while others have remained undiscovered due to biases and short-comings in research …

Berto Jongman: Naomi Klein on Capitalism versus Climate Change — a “People’s Shock” Coming? Robert Steele Disagrees — Precipitants of Revolution Missing

“Worth a look.” Naomi Klein to Degrowth Conference: Climate Change Can Deliver ‘People’s Shock’ Status quo is not an option if we are to rein in runaway emissions, This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. the Climate author says in address to conference “You’re having the core conversation of our time.” That was the message delivered on …

Berto Jongman: Global Collapse – Limits to Growth Was Right Plus Robert Steele on What Limits to Growth Got Wrong

Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we’re nearing collapse Four decades after the book was published, Limit to Growth’s forecasts have been vindicated by new Australian research. Expect the early stages of global collapse to start appearing soon Graham Turner and Cathy Alexander The Guardian, 1 September 2014 The 1972 book Limits to …

EVENT: 27 SEP – 3 OCT Free Online New Story Summit from Scotland — Inspiring Pathways for our Planetary Future

New Story Summit Inspiring Pathways for our Planetary Future Physically gathering in Scotland, free online. 27 SEP – 3 OCT 2014 To prosper going into the future, we must come together to define that future — to articulate a new narrative that reverses the dysfunctionality of past practices including the fencing of the commons and …

Robert Steele: Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan

Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan Why Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Chuck Hagel Need to THINK….now. Robert David STEELE Vivas OpEdNews, 27 July 2014 DOC (21 Pages): Steele Rebuilding National Intelligence 1.9 SHORT URL: As we begin the final two and a half years (less seven days) of the Obama-Biden …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Tells Political Truth — But Still Does Not Make Sense

Google Gets Political It’s not often in this day and age that a Fortune 500 company rattles any political cages. In most cases, companies keep their noses out of Washington, or at least disguise their motives behind lobbyists. However, Google seems to be making some striking political waves, as we discovered in a recent NBC …

Rob Dover & Robert Steele: Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence – Seven Barriers to Reform

PDF (15 Pages): Dover Steele PSA April 2014 Dover, R & Steele, RD (2014) Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence: Seven Barriers to Reform, Paper presented the UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester (14 Arpil 2014). ROBERT STEELE: An Open Source Agency would be helpful but I was naive to expect the US IC …