US Jewish Leaders Apologize for USS Liberty, Promise Not to Meddle in US Foreign Policy Anymore (UPDATED with New LBJ Cover Story That Exonerates Zionists?)

UPDATED 30 Jan 2013: Mini-Me: LBJ Behind USS Liberty? Re-Evaluating What Can Be Known Jewish Leaders Meet Obama, Apologize for USS Liberty BNN Senior Producer Karl Reich, 23 January 2013 Washington (BNN) – Leaders of several major American Jewish organizations met today with President Barack Obama and his national security team, offering abject apologies for …

Winslow Wheeler: The China Pivot and Air-Sea Battle — Institutionalized Idiocy and the Moral-Intellectual Death of Andy Marshall

The Asia Pivot–with “Air-Sea Battle” deeply embedded into it–has become the accepted wisdom in Washington for America’s post-Afghanistan national security strategy.  Is it affordable?  Is it competent? Is it even a strategy? It also presents a useful test for SecDef-designate Hagel’s ability to separate the wheat from the chaff regarding defense issues.  While Hagel has already shredded–to …

Marcus Aurelius: Brookings 2013 Briefing Books for the President — Leans Left, Lacks Substance

There is no “out of the box” thinking here, just dabbling on the margins. Phi Beta Iota:  We agree with Brother Marcus.  This was a very disappointing document and not at all presidential in utility.  There is no executive summary, no bullet points, no explicatory graphics, and no budgetary perspective (means to ways to ends).  …

Marcus Aurelius: White House Flushing US Hawks on Iran — Meanwhile, Intelligence with Integrity About Iran is Completely Lacking

From all I’ve heard and read, Gen Mattis is one of finest GO’s to come along in a very long time.) The ouster of Mattis: Some follow-up details and a White House response Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Saturday, January 19, 2013 – 5:17 PM Share Here are a few things I have heard since I …

Marcus Aurelius: Letter from Joint Chiefs to Senate Armed Service Committee — Comment by Robert Steele + DoD Transformation RECAP

The letter appears only on the Association of the US Navy website, it does not appear at the Joint Chiefs website. Letter from Joint Chiefs Following Armed Forces Press Service item ((DOES)) appear as of 2042 EST, 19Jan13: Sequestration Will Hollow Out Force Fast, Dempsey Says By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service ABOARD A …

Stuart Umpleby: Limitations of Hand-Held Dashboards + Cyber-Brain RECAP

Before Fruit Ninja, Cybernetics By WILL WILES New York Times, November 29, 2012 EXTRACT (Conclusion) The No. 10 Dashboard taps into the same desire to master available information — a desire that has only grown as the amount of information in circulation has increased. Where Cybersyn needed dedicated national infrastructure and rooms full of equipment, …

Chuck Spinney: Pivotng to China — Criminally Insane, Business as Usual

The attached report by Greg Jaffe in the Washington Post (from 1 August 2012) is an excellent case study of the inside-the-beltway networking by the players in the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC).  Jaffe shows these networks build a consensus to keep defense spending high when wars end and a terrifying peace dividend …