Journal: Weak Signals–Social Dislocation Ahead

From a source that must remain anonymous. State governments are in serious trouble now and once the federally-provided Stimulus Funds are used up in FY10 many states willhave no choice but to cut significant numbers of staff as well as marginalize social & health services programs (not to mention Corrections,compliance programs like Environmental Protection) dislocating …

Journal: Audit the Fed Favored by 75% and Growing

This movement, led by Congressman Ron Paul is gathering momentum across America, and could be the first sign of public consciousness that will ultimately destroy the two-party tyranny that sold our Commonwealth and gave our Treasury over to Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Citi-Bank, and other predatory ammoral Wall Street organizations.  Click on the logo above to …

Journal: U.S. re-embraces relationship with U.N.

UNITED NATIONS | Declaring “the United States is back,” the Obama administration pledged Wednesday to turn more frequently to the United Nations and work with the world body on the basis of decency and mutual respect, rather than condescension and contempt. Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment: This is not really sincere.  It is lip-service for …

Journal: Agencies fail to make information sharing a priority

By Jill R. Aitoro 07/30/2009 The Obama administration needs to restructure how interagency information-sharing initiatives are funded and implemented to encourage compliance by agencies that currently place a higher priority on their own missions, government and industry experts told House lawmakers Thursday. “Differing missions, overlapping turf conflicts, resource constraints, bureaucratic inertia and agency tunnel vision …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Israel’s Use of Economic Strangulation (A Form of Genocide or Other Atrocity)

SANCTIMONEOUS HERESY: Right-wing Israelis demonstrate in Jabal Mukabber after hundreds ransacked the village in occupied East Jerusalem, destroying Palestinian property, March 2008. (Meged Gozani/Activestills) A third uprising? Gary M. Burge,The Electronic Intifada,3 August 2009 Gary M. Burge is professor of New Testament at Wheaton College in Chicago. He is author of Whose Land? Whose Promise? …