Tom Atlee: Quinn Norton at WIRED – Eulogy for #Occupy

Dear friends, Over the last 15 months I posted many reflections on the Occupy movement. That movement is clearly not over, morphing into new shapes even as its most potent meme – “We are the 99%” – continues to reverberate. Yet there was something about the original Occupy encampments – those intense micro-communities, living vibrant …

Reference (2012): Expectations of Intelligence in the Information Age, Review by Steele, Wright, Anon & New Link 3.0

UPDATE: 1 January 2013 from Spanish Dancer: What is most striking to me, and to a few others I have spoken to recently, is the SECDEF quote early in the paper.  If we follow its premise it puts anyone who opposes our projection of power in the cross hairs.  It is this doctrinal fluff that …

DefDog: The Gathering Storm – CIA Asks for More Drones, Most Clueless About Tribes, and Rest of World Routing Around the State

These three hang together. CIA claims it needs more drones The CIA has asked the White House to increase the number of drones it employs to transform it into a paramilitary force, despite recent statistics that show the majority of drone deaths are civilians. CIA Director David Petraeus submitted a proposal that could add as …

Berto Jongman: Article and Book About Deep Web Marketplace

Article now, book later. The good and the bad of the Deep Web Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – September Edition “Security in a serious way” Introduction The Deep Web (or Invisible web) is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines, according a raw estimation of …