INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 2: The InfoSphere & Its Enemies

Utilizar el Traductor de Google en la parte superior de la columna central Utilisez Google Translate au haut de la colonne du milieu Google’ın Orta Sütun Top of Çevir kullanın Используйте Google Translate в верхней части среднего столбца Sử dụng Google Translate Đầu Cột Trung उपयोग Google मध्य स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद 在中间一列的顶部,使用谷歌翻译 04 …

Berto Jongman: SSCI Pre-Hearing Q&A — Superb Questions, Cloudy Answers — Robert Steele Answers 6 of 40 Questions Honestly + IC/CIA Health RECAP

SSCI Pre-Hearing Questions for John Brennan 28 Pages, 40 Questions ROBERT STEELE:  CIA was clearly a full participant in the drafting of these answers, many of which are utter nonsense (being effective at clandestine intelligence, all-source analysis, and open source intelligence, to take three fairly pertinent examples).  The questions are the best I have ever …

Dolphin: Why Obama Picked Hagel — and the Rogue Elements in the Military (Including JCS)

Wow.  Read this at two levels — first off, an intelligent awareness that the Pentagon is out of touch with reality.  But at a second level, “rogue elements” is why Admirals and Generals have been relieved, for planning false flag attacks, and why Obama has the FBI all over flag emails in the months leading …

DefDog: Panetta Forced to Testify on Benghazi

Weasel alert. Levin: Panetta To Testify On Benghazi Outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is slated to testify before lawmakers on the Benghazi attacks, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told reporters Tuesday. Read full article.

Berto Jongman: Stronger Signals US Planning False-Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

Sorcha Faal (David Booth) is a know frabricator with a gift for surfacing and connecting dots that merit attention. Obama Plan For World War III Stuns Russia A grim Federal Security Services (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin confirming the validity of the just released hacked emails of the British based defence company, Britam Defence, …

Search: bin laden white house

Bin Laden Show 19: White House Photo Ops Includes the staged photo from the situation room, the real situation room, and the white house bin laden bunny ears photos. See Also: Bin Laden Show: Entries 00-90 UPDATED 26 Jan 2013