Search: 21st Century

Actual results in reverse chronological order:  21st Century Human-selected best in class in alphabetical order below the line.

Reference: Intelligence Cooperation in Multinational International Peace Operations

ABSTRACT Intelligence is a tool for power and traditionally very sensitive by nature. Well-established and bureaucratic resistance, international positioning and working methods hamper cooperation concerning intelligence. In a multifunctional and multinational peace operation a lot of informal structures are intertwined with formal structures. EXTRACT In order to create a picture of the widest spectrum in …

Review: International Intelligence Cooperation and Accountability

Hans Born (Editor), Ian Leigh (Editor), Aidan Wills (Editor) Four for Content, Zero for Price,August 16, 2011 There are some good contributions in this book, and it is certainly recommended for institutional purchase, but the price is utterly outrageous and completely unacceptable for the individual professional, scholar, or practitioner interest in learning from these authors. …

Review: Keeping Watch – Monitoring Technology and Innovation in UN Peace Operations

Walter Dorn Phenomenal Contribution to UN and to Literature,August 13, 2011 Professor Walter Dorn is the de facto dean of the small number of scholars who study the specific topic of peacekeeping intelligence, or intelligence support to United Nations (UN) operations. Since his pioneering early studies of UN successes in the Congo in the 1960’s …

Reference: UN Air Power Conference Papers

The 17th Air Force Historical Workshop was a great success and the proceedings will be published in book form (scheduled for 2012). For futher information, please contact Dr. Walter Dorn, Canadian Forces College, Toronto, at Presentations “Air Operations in Somalia, 1991-1993“, Dr. William Dean III, United States Air Force Air Command and Staff College …