Search: what are some the atrocities of genocide

Genocide and Other Atrocities have been isolated from one another because of the enormous gravity of the two different high-level threats to humanity, threats #6 and #7 respectively, as validated and priorities in the UN High-Level Panel Report,  A More Secure World–Our Shared Responsibility–Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. Genocide …

Journal: Collective Counter-Crime Counter-Intelligence

The Countertraffickers Rescuing the victims of the global sex trade by William Finnegan May 5, 2008 Her allies and colleagues in this work are widely scattered. An ebullient Dubai prison officer named Omer, who calls Rotaru “sister,” has been a help. So have Russian policemen, an Israeli lawyer, a Ukrainian psychologist, an Irish social worker, …

Journal: From Rhetoric to Reality–Four in Power

Establishment Unsheathes the Long knives in Versailles??????? America: A fearsome foursome (Financial Times) By Edward Luce Financial Times Published: February 3 2010 20:09 Phi Beta Iota: The Financial Times is retarded (yes, the R-word, used with love) and has not yet caught up to the fact that required registrations are so TIRED.  We provide the …