Michel Bauwens: Human Evolution – Who Are We Becoming?

Human evolution: Who are we becoming? By Steve McDonald On December 8, 2011 A map for the Archaic Revival This article appeared in Entheogenesis Australis (EGA) Journal 3 – 2011/2012 (December 2011) Introduction In 1974, American professor of psychology Dr Clare W Graves wrote an article for The Futurist magazine titled Human Nature Prepares for …

Michel Bauwens: Michael Hudson on the crucial link between democracy and debt throughout history

I don’t know of a more crucial text to read in this epochal transition. Republished from Michael Hudson: “Book V of Aristotle’s Politics describes the eternal transition of oligarchies making themselves into hereditary aristocracies – which end up being overthrown by tyrants or develop internal rivalries as some families decide to “take the multitude into …

Mini-Me: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC)

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Spanish: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CELAC, Portuguese: Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos, French: Communauté des États Latino-Américains et Caribéens, Dutch: Gemeenschap van de Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caribische landen) is the tentative name[1] of a regional bloc of Latin American and Caribbean nations created on February …

Lynn Wheeler: Why Financial Systems Demand False Complexity and Ignorance…Corruption is Merely a Bonus

Financial Cryptography Where the crypto rubber meets the Road of Finance… December 11, 2011 Why (my, all) financial systems fail — information complexity I spent over a decade building the snappiest financial system around. In that time I pursued one goal of efficiency: reduction of complexity. This wasn’t only goodness in an angelic sense, it …