Journal: William Polk on Afghanistan Non-Strategy Plus Consolidated Journal, Review, and Reference Links for Afghanistan

William R. Polk recently sent out the attached letter to his distribution list.  It is a very comprehensive and I believe important review of Afghanistan.  I urge you to take the time to read it.  Appended to the end are a series of notes he used in the construction of his letter.   Polk know …

Journal: Farce on Farce…and Contempt for Obama

COMMENT:  Ten years the FBI has been watching this do-nothing network and this breaks now?  The contempt for Obama appears to have reached uncontrollable levels.   Fact #1:  the network was launched ten years or more ago.  Fact #2:  the network has not actually done any spying.  The timing of this action appears extraordinarily contemptuous of …

Journal: Vickers to Replace Clapper? Double-Whammy.

W/R/T Vickers’ Irregular Warfare office — that looked like a shoo-in when originally staffed 3-4 weeks ago.  More recently it has picked up significant senior-level opposition within the Building.  If for no other reason, it’s inherently inconsistent with what SECDEF is now advocating about streamlining headquarters, reducing layers and reduncancy, etc.  Morning Defense ( June …

Journal: DoD Makes One Intelligent Decision, Congress Freaks

Serious, probably righteous if expensive program.     Washington Post   June 19, 2010    Pg. 1 U.S. Buying Helicopters From Russia: Lawmakers balk at Pentagon’s purchases for Afghan air corps By Craig Whitlock The U.S. government is snapping up Russian-made helicopters to form the core of Afghanistan’s fledgling air force, a strategy that is drawing flak from …

Journal: IG Audit–El Paso Intelligence Center a bust

Washington Post, Jeff Stein The El Paso Intelligence Center, launched in 1974 to identify drug traffickers south of the border, is all but a complete bust, the Justice Department’s Inspector General reported Tuesday. The 86-page report was a virtual laundry list of seemingly intractable problems at the border intelligence post, opened by the Drug Enforcement …

Journal: State Department Wants Its Own Military

So, let me see — State wants, say, a billion dollars worth of DoD hardware gratis…what does the Marine Corps Security Guard Battalion say about all that?  I guess that means jobs for former aviation warrant officers and maybe retired SF NCOs….but who pays for the contractors?   Boston Globe     June 15, 2010      Associated Press …