NIGHTWATCH Revolution 2.0 Round-Up

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Israel (rogue spoiler), Libya, Cote d’Ivoire (the tsumani spreads). Phi Beta Iota: “Secular youth” is the opposite of Islamic fundamentalist.  Similarly, academics, professionals, and small business managers as well as labor generally our “secular” instead of fundamentalist.  The West appears to be having difficulty with this obvious foundation point, …

NIGHTWATCH: Revolution 2.0 Round-Up

Bahrain-Arab League, Arab League, Yemen, Yemen-Saudi Arabia, Libya, US, France, Coalition Update, Rumania, The Netherlands, Germany (withdraws). Phi Beta Iota: Don’t miss the observation on pan-Arab desire for the nuclear bomb and Arab dictator harmony against the Persian/Iranian/Shi’ites.  The observation on untrainable mobs also merits note–dictators (and faux democratic tyrannies) favor stupid uneducated publics–transitioning from …