Reference: John Brennan’s Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP

PDF 8 Pages:  Statement for the Record to the SSCI of 7 Feb 2013 (John Brennan) One useful insight:  “Trust deficit” between Congress and CIA has never been greater. One questionable rah rah:  103 stars on the wall.  Counting Khost Kathy, at least half and probably more like two thirds are deaths that resulted from …

Owl: Irresponsible Government = Death by Vaccine –Thank You Bill Gates — Meanwhile $75 Billion a Year on Secret Intelligence Protects No One, Informs No One….

The Danger of Vaccines: More Proof Which vaccines contain human protein and DNA? Would you object to taking vaccines on moral, philosophical, scientific or religious grounds knowing you are consuming human material? The FDA itself admits in its “Vaccine Ingredients Calculator” that’s what you are receiving in a vaccine. “A recent CBS News Investigates article …

Review: Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources

Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill 5.0 out of 5 stars Important Milestone, Two Gaps, February 4, 2013 I was educated in the Limits to Growth period–back in the day of telephone couplers–and have also been an ardent follower of Herman Daly’s pioneering work in ecological economics as well as complementary work spanning the last several …

Yoda: US Diplomatic-Commercial Internet Initiative — Affordable Good, Proprietary Bad

Half-full, glass is. Hillary Clinton Helps Silicon Valley on Her Way Out the Door Elizabeth Dwoskin BloombergBusinessWeek, 4 February 2013 Taking the podium in the State Department’s Ben Franklin Room one last time on Thursday before stepping down, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thanked lots of people, offered reminiscences, and announced a flurry of last-minute …

Reference: Reforming the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) Texto Completo Para El Uso de Google Traductor

PDF (6 Pages) See Also: Inter-American Defense College (English) 2013 Robert Steele on Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency — and Integrity; Dicho Sobre la Curacion de las Américas con una Agencia de Todo Abierto – y la Integridad Por debajo de la linea: versión completa para el uso de Google Traductor Abaixo …