The logo consists of the Whole Earth within a Rescue Cross, with four symbols: the bowl for food and water; the quill pen for education and communication; the shovel for construction and development; and the stilleto for the inevitable rogues that need to be killed one at a time. On a white field are found the legal name of the non-profit, and our public purpose: creating a prosperous world at peace. We do this, in an expansion of Buckminster Fuller’s practice, by enabling hybrid governance through ethical evidence-based decision-support in the context of transparent, truthful networks of trust.
The outermost border summarizes our two innovative methods for which we are the foremost proponents in the world: Open Source Everything (the only technical solution that is affordable, inter-operable, and scalable) and Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2, the only human solution that assures holistic analytics and a grasp of true cost economics).
Learn more at About.
Original Seal Below the Line
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