Renaud Theunens has a bachelor degree in social and military Sciences. In 1994-95 he served as G-2 (assessment desk) at the UNPROFOR/UNPF headquarters in Zagreb, Croatia. In 1996-97 he was military information officer (G-2 Analysis) at the UNTAES headquarters in Vukovar, Croatia. In 1998-99 he was chief of the Belgian National Intelligence Cell at the SFOR headquarters in Sarajevo. In 1999 and 2000 he was head of the European desk and senior Balkans analyst with the Belgium Military Intelligence Service. Among his previous publications is ‘UNTAES and the Military Challenges in Eastern Slavonia’ in M.J. Calic (ed.), Friedenskonsolidiering im ehemaligen Jugoslawien, (Ebenhausen, Germany: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik) 1996.
Intelligence and Peace Support Operations: Some Practical Concepts