Searching for osint on this web site is like searching for Steele as an author among all the other authors–the entire site lines up. However, since 4-6 people do this search daily, we've decided to give them an easy first hit.
OSS.Net, Inc. Basic Reference of Links
2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic)
2008 Open Source Intelligence (Operational)
2008 IJIC 21/3 The Open Source Program: Missing in Action
2010 Handbook Online for Internet Tools and Resources for Creating Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) by Dr. Ran Hock, Chief Training Officer, Online Strategies, Inc.
1997 CINCSOC 10-Minute Briefing That Created SOF OSINT
1997 Overview of Open Source Intelligence
Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game
2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings
Reference: UnityNet — an M4IS2 Option
Graphic: OSINT, Missions, & Disciplines
Graphic: OSINT and Full-Spectrum HUMINT (Updated)
Graphic: Epoch B Multinational Network Rising
Graphic: Multinational IO + OSINT = IO2
Graphic: OSINT and Multinational Defense in Depth
Graphic: OSINT Multinational Outreach Network
Graphic: OSINT Multinational Information Operations
Graphic: OSINT DOSC MDSC as Kernel for Global Grid to Meet Stabilization & Reconstruction as Well as Whole of Government Policy, Acquisition, and Operations Support
Graphic: OSINT Global Pyramid from OSIS-X to Intelink-X
Graphic: OSINT & Universal Coverage at Local Level
Graphic: OSINT Quadrants and Green to Red Feed
Graphic: OSINT Competing Models
Graphic: OSINT and Missing Information
Graphic: OSINT, We Went Wrong, Leaping Forward
Graphic: OSINT and Lack of Processing
Graphic: OSINT versus OSIS (Information Overload)
Search: basics of open source intelligence
Search: “best practices” and “osint training”
Graphic: OSINT Support to Four Levels of Analysis
Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]
Search: OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
- 2009 OSINT Links Directory by Ben Benavides
- 2004 Special Operations Forces OSINT Handbook (Strawman)
- 2000-2002 NATO OSINT Handbooks
- Handbook: Open Source Intelligence 101 (2002)
- 2002 OSINT 101: Basic Training in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
- 1998 Open Source Intelligence Executive Overview (Handbook)
Search: development osint centre
Search: osint and it’s role in intelligence
1988-2009 OSINT-M4IS2 TECHINT Chronology
Search: multiple variations around OSINT Handbook [new sort of all handbooks]
Search (2): nato j-2 intelligence; un intelligence
Search: osint for special operation forces robert
Searches (3): Golden Candle, OSINT, Platinum Awards
Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform
Memorandum: $2 Billion Obligation Plan Centered on Defense, for a New Open Source Agency
2005 Steele to Hayden Asking for Naquin Cease & Desist
2004 Modern History of Public Intelligence and the Opposition
History of Bureaucratic War on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)