The buzz continues—agile, cloud computing, text analytics, virtualization, open source, cool BI, Web 2.0, social media, mobile BI. But what do these terms really mean for business intelligence and data warehousing? It’s been difficult enough to implement effective and valuable BI/DW solutions with existing technologies. Will these emerging technologies make your job easier or harder? TDWI is offering six days of in-depth education from industry thought leaders on how these technologies work, how you can deploy them, and the benefits they can bring to your organization.
Phi Beta Iota: Way too many people are forgetting that there are FOUR quadrants in commercial intelligence and organizational intelligence. “Business intelligence” is code for internal data mining, nothing more. It is important as the foundation for the other three quadrants, but nothing by itself. “Competitive Intelligence” take place in Quadrants II and III but if focused only on the competition, misses 75% of the value to be harvested. IOHO. To understand this, look at Graphic: Four Quadrants J-2 High Cell SMS Low.