Short URL/Ruta Breve:
2011-12-04 Social Panorama of Latin America 2011: Briefing Paper (Economic Commission for Latin America, December 2011).
From the summary:
The 2011 edition of Social Panorama of Latin America takes a more in-depth look at the chain that produces and reproduces social gaps; it addresses other spheres as well. It focuses on how structural heterogeneity (productivity gaps in the national economies), labour segmentation and gaps in social protection are linked along the chain. Demographic factors such as fertility differentiated by education and income level are discussed, as are more specific patterns of risk and exclusion like those impacting young people in the Caribbean.
2011-12-04 Tareas con Resumenes Faltando Algunas Pocas
2011-12-04 Infografía: Las mejores herramientas de medición Social Media [gracias a Maria]
2011-12-04: Howard Rheingold: Replace Email with Wiki-Collaboration (Part I) Howard Rheingold: Sustituir por correo electrónico con Wiki-Colaboración (Parte I)
Bajo La Linea: El Archivo
CONTEXTO Primordial I: Diario: Política y Inteligencia: Socios Sólo cuando la integridad es fundamental para ambos Journal: Politics & Intelligence–Partners Only When Integrity is Central to Both y tambien Diario: Reflexiones sobre la integridad ACTUALIZADO + CRÓNICA Integridad Journal: Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP
CONTEXTO PRIMORDIAL II: John Robb: How to Win Any Conflict – Como Ganar Cualquier Conflicto
2011-12-02 Processo de Inteligencia Comercial Colaboraccion Publica-Empresarial.ppt
Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls Referencia: AGUA-Alma de la Tierra, espejo de nuestra alma colectiva
Isaac Martín- Barbero en el Día de la Persona Emprendedora de la CV (11:05)
Isaac Martín-Barbero es Director de División de Servicios a la empresa de ICEX. Tras unos años en el sector financiero y empresarial, se incorporó al sector público en 2000 como Técnico Comercial y Economista del Estado, fecha a partir de la cual ocupó distintos puestos en los Ministerios de Economía y de Industria y Comercio. Estuvo destinado en las Embajadas de España en Riyad (Arabia Saudita), Hanoi (Vietnam) y Ankara (Turquía) como Consejero Económico y Comercial Jefe. En el DPECV 2011 llevó a cabo la ponencia “Inteligencia empresarial para tiempos inciertos” y compartió unos minutos con nosotros en el set de prensa.
RESEÑA ROBERT STEELE Desayuno de Trabajo Madrid [Informe de ASEPIC]
Diapositivas en Espanol (2.7)
Slides as Used in Spanish
Article in English with many links (2.1, doc) [Below line full text translatable online]
Artículo en Inglés con muchos enlaces (2,1, doc) [A continuación la línea de texto traducible completo]
Nuevas reglas para el nuevo arte de la inteligencia (en ingles, escoja traductor Google al lado para convertir al espanol)
Lista completa de los operadores avanzados
Imprimir y guardar la hoja con información detallada de Google
Generalmente, hay 75 maquinas de busqueda, algunos mejor al corriente, a una disciplina especifica, etcetera. Google toca menos de 5% de lo que hay en el web. Web Profunda es otra cosa enteramente, y necesita herramientas distintas. Servicios comerciales, como Factiva, LEXIS-NEXIS, DIALOG, y otros, no deben ser de adentro si no por medio de especialistas que combinan conocimiento profundo del idioma de busqueda particular, y tambien del dominio (e.g. agricultura).
CEO Mats Bjore, InfoSPhere, Ideas, Intentions, Inventions
Jan Herring, Academy of Competitive Intelligence, What Is Your CI Worth?
Arno Reuser, Director Gerente de Reuser's Servicios de Informacion
presentando Orientacion a Busqueda Avancada con Google [en ingles]
Reference: Ben Gilad – Strategy without intelligence, intelligence without strategy Referencia: Ben Gilad – Estrategia sin inteligencia, la inteligencia sin la estrategia
La Estrategia Española de Seguridad (EES). Una responsabilidad de todos.
Con el fin de analizar la información relevante y facilitar la acción del Estado mediante una mejor toma de decisiones en este ámbito, se creará un Sistema de Inteligencia Económica (SIE). [Pagina 12]
Analysis comparativo de la estrategia espanola de seguridad
Estrategia Española de Seguridad, “una responsabilidad de todos”
2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile)
Todos los estudiantes de primero deben leer las diapositivas en formato de notas con las palabras previstas, y luego ver la presentación actual en seis segmentos cortos de YouTube (45 minutos en total)
Integrar ágil basado en Scrum ( y Bioteams ( las técnicas de gestión de proyectos en cómo los procesos de trabajo a ocupar. Estas técnicas de gestión de proyectos permiten a las personas a la auto-organizarse en la forma horizontal, no jerárquica, no de mando y control que es parte del ethos ocupan. En estos procesos de forma autónoma las personas pueden elegir lo que le gustaría trabajar en la coordinación de sus acciones, mientras que con los demás. Para los muchos proyectos que ya están trabajando en este camino de auto-organización a ocupar estas técnicas pueden ofrecer matices de cómo hacer las cosas más eficientes. Para las situaciones en que los proyectos atascarse y cuello de botella en la aplicación de estos métodos de gestión de proyectos puede ofrecer una guía muy necesaria.
TRADUCCION CRUDA (GOOGLE): Integrate Agile-based Scrum ( and Bioteams ( project management techniques into how processes work at Occupy. These project management techniques allow people to self-organize in the horizontal, non-hierarchical, non-command&control way that is part of the Occupy ethos. In these processes people can autonomously choose what they would like to work on whilst coordinating their actions with others. For the many projects that are already working in this self-organizational way at Occupy these techniques may offer nuances of how to make things more efficient. For the situations when projects get bogged down and bottlenecked the application of these project management methods may offer much needed guidance.
Reference: Strategic Analytic Model for Creating a Prosperous World at Peace Referencia: Modelo Estratégico analítico para la creación de un mundo próspero en paz (en ingles, escoja traductor Google al lado para convertir al espanol)
Reference: Building a University-Based Global Education – Intelligence – Research Web
Referencia: La construcción de una Educación Global University-Based – Inteligencia – Investigación de la Web
2009 Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else [Full Text Online for Google Translate] 2009 La inteligencia para el Presidente y todos los demás [texto completo en línea de Google Translate]
Lista de Graficos en Espanol A-Z hasta 02-11-2011
List of Graphics in Spanish A-Z as of 2 Nov 2011
Trabajo de Professor Gustavo DIAZ Matey
Vea especialmente:
Grafica: Inteligencia madura — completa
Grafica: Ocho Tribus de Inteligencia, Cada Uno Distinto y Clave
Grafica: Epoca B en vez de Epoca A – Consideraciones
Grafica: Operaciones de Informacion (OI) — Todos los idiomas todo el tiempo
M4IS2 Pagina General (M4IS2 General Page, English Documents)
2011 from 1999: Setting the Stage for Information-Sharing in the 21 st Century (Full Text Online)
2011 de 1999: Preparando el escenario para el intercambio de información en el Siglo 21 (texto completo en línea)
YouTube Videos on Commercial Intelligence Tools & Techniques
Vídeos de YouTube en Herramientas de Inteligencia Comercial y Técnicas
“The difference between market intelligence, business intelligence and strategic intelligence”
“La diferencia entre la inteligencia de mercados, inteligencia de negocio y de inteligencia estratégica”
What is Competitive Intelligence and What's In It For Me?
¿Qué es la Inteligencia Competitiva y ¿Qué hay en él para mí?
How to use rss feeds for competitive intelligence (video lesson).mp4
Cómo usar los canales RSS para la inteligencia competitiva (lección de vídeo). Mp4
Manuales de Inteligencia de fuentes abiertos
Handbooks on Open Source Intelligence
2011 OSINT Discovery Toolkit–Reuser’s Repertorium
2009 OSINT Links Directory by Ben Benavides
Handbook: Election 2008 Annotated Bibliography on Reality
2004 Special Operations Forces OSINT Handbook (Strawman)
2000-2002 NATO OSINT Handbooks
Handbook: Open Source Intelligence 101 (2002)
2000 PRIMER on Open Sources & Methods
1998 Open Source Intelligence Executive Overview (Handbook)
Algunos profesores distinguidos relevantes para nuestro trabajo
Howard Rheingold: Crap Detection & Critical Thinking
Howard Rheingold: Detección de mierda y Pensamiento Crítico
Agencia de Fuentes Abiertas (utilize Google Translate si desea)
Open Source Agency (use Google Translate if desired)
Reference: Open Source Agency Synopsis (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
Referencia: Sinopsis Abrir Agencia Fuente (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
Reference: Smart Nation Act Draft (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Referencia: Proyecto de Ley de la Nación Inteligente (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
Reference: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) – All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [Full Text Online for Google Translate] Referencia: Inteligencia Humana (HUMINT) – Todos los seres humanos, todas las mentes, todo el tiempo [texto completo en línea de Google Translate]
La Iglesia Católica, la inteligencia y la ética
The Catholic Church, Intelligence, and Ethics
Vatican, Ethics, & Truth I (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
Vaticano, la ética, y la verdad I (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
Vaticano, la ética, y la verdad II (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
Event: 26 Oct 2011 Assisi Italy Pope, Peace, & Prayer — 5th Inter-Faith Event Since 1986 — Terms of Reference… Evento: 26 de octubre 2011 Asís Italia el Papa, la paz, y la oración – 5 Inter-Faith evento desde 1986 – Términos de Referencia …
Otros artículos pertinentes fácil de traducir:
Other relevant articles easily translated:
1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (Full Text Online for Google Translate))
1992 E3i: Ética, Ecología, Evolución, y la inteligencia (texto completo en línea de Google Translate))
1993 Corporate Role in National Competitiveness: Smart People + Good Tools + Information = Profit (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 1993 Rol Empresarial en Competitividad Nacional: Smart People + buenas herramientas de información + = Ganancias (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
1995 Private Enterprise Intelligence – Its Potential Contribution to National Security (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 1995 Inteligencia de la Empresa Privada – su contribución potencial a la seguridad nacional (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2002: New Rules for the New Craft of Intelligence (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 2002: Nuevas reglas para el nuevo arte de la inteligencia (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2003 Information Peacekeeping & the Future of Intelligence – The United Nations, Smart Mobs, & the Seven Tribes (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 2003 Información Mantenimiento de la Paz y el Futuro de la Inteligencia – Las Naciones Unidas, Smart Mobs, y las siete tribus (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2006: Information Operations – All Information, All Languages, All the Time Technical Preface by Robert Garigue (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 2006: Operaciones de Información – Toda la información, todos los idiomas, todas las Prefacio tiempo técnico por Robert garriga (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2008 Rebalancing the Instruments of National Power (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 2008 Reequilibrar los Instrumentos del Poder Nacional (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2008: Creating a Smart Nation (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 2008: Creación de una Nación Inteligente (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2008: World Brain as EarthGame (Full Text Online for Google Translate) 2008: El Mundo del cerebro como EarthGame (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
Robert Steele: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Robert Steele: El ciudadano en la búsqueda de Integridad (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2008 Paradigms of Failure ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Paradigmas de 2008 ELECCIÓN No 2008 – Barra de labios en el cerdo (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2008 The Substance of Governance ELECTION 2008 Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
2008 La esencia del Gobierno ELECCIONES 2008 Lipstick en el cerdo (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2008 Annotated Bibliography ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
ELECCIONES 2008 Bibliografía Comentada 2008 – Barra de labios en el cerdo (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
2011 Pensando en la Revolución en los EE.UU. y otros lugares (texto completo en línea de Google Translate)
Short URL:
Below the Line the Article in Full Text for East of Online Translation
Por debajo de la línea el artículo en texto completo facilitando traducción en línea
Intelligence in the private sector:
Ethics and efficiency in uncertain times
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Intelligence is a process: requirements definition, collection management, source discovery and validation, multi-source fusion, machine and human translation and analysis, visualization of complex ideas, and timely appropriate delivery of decision-support. Intelligence is decision-support. Secret sources and methods are not and should not define intelligence. Indeed, secret sources and methods in the private sector, apart from being illegal, are generally fraudulent, over-rated, over-priced, and rarely equal to what can be obtained for a fraction of the cost and none of the risk from open sources of information including eleven types of human intelligence that are legally and ethically available to the astute manager. The renaissance of a nation today demands a renaissance of national and commercial intelligence.
Ethics is the codification of human memory of what works to enhance the prosperity and security of communities that practice ethics among themselves and in relation to other communities. A Nobel Prize has been awarded to a person who demonstrated that trust lowers the cost of doing business. In today’s world of ubiquitous surveillance, ethics begins with transparency, is rooted in the truth, and ultimately becomes an intangible value. In India, US companies that initially complained about US anti-corruption laws found that Indian officials preferred them precisely because it protected those officials from being suspected of corruption in any award to a US company. Recently a national hero in India finally broke his fast in support of the nation-wide anti-corruption campaign. Corruption is a form of lie – a hidden cost — a cost externalized to the public — a cancer that introduces waste and abuse. Restoring integrity to business is essential.
In these uncertain times it is not possible for any Industrial-Era or hierarchical system to survive with the old concepts of top-down “command and control.” There are only two ways to create a Smart Nation and/or a Smart Corporation that is agile, alert, and effective in the face of constant change: first, management must learn new priorities and new values including placing more priority on the education and independence of employees from the bottom up, and on demanding the truth at any cost; and second, management must realize that the employees in the aggregate and as individuals are the only thing standing between the business and ignorance. They are your “intelligence minutemen,” if they are not educated, empowered, and listened to, the business will inevitably lose money and market share while also failing to see new opportunities only discernible from very tight feedback loops among customers, suppliers, regulators, and “the company.” The other half of performance and profit in the 21st Century is integrity – both personal integrity and organizational integrity of purpose, process, and outcomes. Integrity must be inherent at all levels.
The seven strategic concepts I will discuss are these:
1) CEOs are more out of touch with reality and the truth than they realize—commercial intelligence is important, but CEOs must understand the difference between decision-support and snake oil.
2) The future of capitalism lays in the five billion poor with their four trillion a year annual income, four times that of the one billion rich. This requires a fundamental change in business design.
3) The future of profit lies in holistic sustainable businesses that do not externalize costs to the public today or tomorrow. Integrity is central to performance, profit, and the public good.
4) Software is eating all industries one at a time—beware of Google, embrace the open—open source software, open data access, open spectrum, and of course open source intelligence.
5) The time for Spain to restore its greatness as a partner to all countries in the Southern Hemisphere, but especially in Latin America, is now.
6) Governments cannot cope with complexity—and the information explosion—without help from the business community both large and small. Hybrid information-sharing networks are essential to all.
7) Strategic analytics demand an appreciation for holistic attention, the “new craft of intelligence.”
Introduction and Context
This article, and my briefing, have been created for this event and are completely new. However, in the course of thinking about how best to help the participants, all leaders in government and industry concerned with the business world, I had occasion to examine my earliest published work, and found five articles that are still relevant, still useful. For this group I have posted them in full text online where they are easily translated into Spanish or other languages with Google Translate. Here are links to the five articles with full-text:
1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, and Intelligence
1993 Corporate Role in National Competitiveness: Smart People + Good Tools + Information = Profit
1995 Private Enterprise Intelligence: Its Potential Contribution to National Security
2002 New Rules for the New Craft of Intelligence
2008 Creating a Smart Nation: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence, and Information
By way of introduction, I would respectfully emphasize that corruption is treason. Corruption is not just about honor and keeping one’s word. It is about falsifying information, ignoring standards, failing to focus on the minutia of sources, process, products, and services such that the consumer is not well served; the public is deprived of resources or costs are externalized to the public, and the legitimacy of the government is undermined, whether from a loss of tax revenue or a loss of public well-being. When corruption becomes a pervasive characteristic of a culture, it is a stake in the heart of the country and a stake in the heart of any business. If there is one thing that government and industry should agree on, in my view it is that corruption is the enemy, and integrity is the shared value.
Integrity is priceless. Integrity properly understood is about much more than honor. It is about completeness—the quality or condition of being whole or undivided. In the world of intelligence, both the secret world and the commercial world, this means that a holistic process, a respect for the fullest possible diversity of sources and methods, is essential.[1]
If both the government and the private sector commit themselves to integrity, there is no conflict between the goals of intelligence—to find the “best truth” for all parties—and the goals of politics—to find the “best compromise” for all parties.[2]
Today, I am heartened by what I perceive to be a new appreciation for integrity. We can see this among the protesters from Athens to New York, and we can see this in new investment practices that recognize the role that integrity plays in achieving efficiencies that enhance profit. Below I quote from Steven Howard Johnson, author of the free online book Integrity at Scale:
It turns out that companies who rank in the Top 100 for corporate responsibility outperform the S&P 500 by a considerable margin. But that comes not from the profit-maximization ethos that lies behind agency theory. It comes from a qualitative belief in the value of service as part of the way one does business. The good companies set a higher bar, ask people to live by higher standards, elicit greater competence, and achieve better results. It isn’t about dollars, alone; it’s also about doing business in ways that give life more meaning.[3]
It is my honor to speak to you about intelligence and integrity. They go together very well.
1. Commercial Intelligence
CEOs are more out of touch with reality and the truth than they realize—commercial intelligence is important, but CEOs must understand the difference between decision-support and snake oil.
I approach this at four levels—strategic, operational, tactical, and technical. Of all the individuals in an organization, the CEO is both the only one that must think in terms of all four levels at all times, and also the one individual most dependent upon others for accurate information.
Ben Gilad, co-founder of the Academy of Competitive Intelligence, says this in his book, Business Blindspots: Replacing Your Company's Entrenched and Outdated Myths, Beliefs and Assumptions With the Realities of Today's Markets (Probus Professional Publications, 1993)
Top managers’ information is invariably either biased, subjective, filtered or late. . . . Using intelligence correctly requires a fundamental change in the way top executives make decisions.
At the strategic level, if the CEO does not have a professional, completely independent decision-support or intelligence function in place, the CEO will not be able to avoid costly surprises and also react quickly to new opportunities.
I have learned three things over the past forty years as an intelligence professional:
First, the government does not do economic or industrial intelligence nor does it do economic or industrial counter-intelligence. This is one reason why Goldman Sachs and other U.S. based banks were able to maliciously “explode” the economies of Greece and other countries. This is an area where the private sector could take the lead, with full government participation, creating a regional and national commercial intelligence centre.
Second, CEOs that rely on their executives or special assistants for information essential to making decisions are going to be working with, at best 20% of what they could and should know, and as Ben Gilad observes, this information is generally going to be biased, subjective, filtered, or late.

Third, there is a very specific combination of four levels of commercial intelligence that have been proven to yield dividends. Known as the Herring Triangle, I illustrate them here, together with their need and cost percentages.
Most commercial intelligence endeavors in my experience stop at the lowest level and are nothing more than in-house newspapers with a little research on demand.
These capabilities can and should be developed as shared capabilities, both within and among industries, and in partnership with the government.
I will end this point with a short story from the French steel industry in 1993. They spent millions investigating foreign steel industries. However, because they were not working closely with other industries, they completely overlooked the emergence of the plastics industry as the new provider of automotive parts. Whatever you do, cast a wide net and be ready to think, share, and collaborate outside your company, outside your industry, outside your country.
2. Five Billion Poor Have Four Trillion Dollars A Year
The future of capitalism lays in the five billion poor with their four trillion a year annual income, four times that of the one billion rich. This requires a fundamental change in business design.
When considering the future, it is helpful to begin with an appreciation of threats to that future. There is only one global study that has both identified the high-level threats to the future, and also put them in priority order. I refer to the United Nations High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenge, and Change, which published its report in 2004, A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility, which is also available free online.

Every one of these threats is a threat to the future of industry, government, and society around the world.
I am often told by those I speak with that they prefer to focus on their local business. I understand that point of view, but must respectfully point out that the Earth is shrinking; that changes that used to take 10,000 years now take less than three years; and that reality kicks the last ball.
You may not be interested in reality, but reality is interested in you. Poverty, to take one example, creates more infectious disease and destroys more of the environment than all corporations combined.
Addressing all of these threats is not just a job for government, and in fact governments need the help of industry such that traditional ministries can benefit from a new form of hybrid information-driven governance in which industry and government are full partners in eradicating threats and in orchestrating behavior and spending across all relevant policy areas. To that end, here are twelve policy domains where industrial and government intelligence and policy must be closely integrated; investments both inside and outside one’s home country must be fully informed — in China now, everyone is discovering that they are severely deficient in energy, health, and water, three vital areas of concern for any manager.
My point is that sustainable profit for the future is going to require a focus on the emerging marketplace of the five billion poor, and that in turn is going to reward those governments and those industries that learn to create, maintain, and exploit a global information-sharing and sense-making network.
The good news is that the five billion poor have the one thing that is priceless and essential to our future: human brains. There is an entire literature on the theme “wealth of networks,” In my view, those offerings that empower the poor with information and communications tools at a very low cost, and those offerings that leverage advanced knowledge to provide very low-cost offerings to the poor, with prosper.
This will require a dramatic change in how we understand business design, market design, sales design, and how we approach not just the governments, but the other groups that are important in gaining access to the marketplace of poverty. A much more holistic approach is required.
In the world of the rich, a refrigerator is a very expensive item that requires electrical power. In the world of the poor, a simple refrigerator consists of two clay pots with long necks, one inside the other with an air gap, and requiring now power. Buried in the ground, they keep meat fresh for five days. Clean water and nutritious low-cost food are two other areas of great promise.
In the world of the rich, there is generally stable government and a well-defined process for entering the market. In the world of the poor, most governments have failed and gaining access to the poor is complicated.
3. Integrity and Profit
The future of profit lies in holistic sustainable businesses that do not externalize costs to the public today or tomorrow. Integrity is central to performance, profit, and the public good.
Before I discuss software, the Latin American marketplace, panarchy, and holistic analytics, I must address the matter of integrity, and closely related to integrity, the matter of true cost economics.
1. Integrity is not just about honor–it is about wholeness of view, completeness of effort, and accuracy or reliability of all of the elements of the whole.
2. Industrial-Era Systems do not adapt because they lack integrity and continue to pay for doing the wrong things righter–the Pentagon is a classic example of such as system but so are most big businesses.
3. In the 21st Century, intelligence, design, and integrity are the triad that matters most. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is the non-negotiable starting position for getting it right, and this is crucially important with respect to the sustainability of the Earth as a home for humanity.
4. Integrity at the top requires clarity, diversity, and BALANCE including respect for the customer as a partner.
5. Integrity can be compounded or discounted. It is compounded when public understanding demands political accountability and government officers ultimately understand that they have sworn an oath to uphold the rule of law rather than a particular political party. It is discounted when officers are careerists, ascribe to rankism, and generally betray the public interest in favor of personal advancement. The same is true in business.
In the business world, a very useful measure of whether a business has integrity is that of true cost economics. True cost economics factors in all costs that contribute to a specific product or service. Below is an illustration of the true cost of a cotton T-shirt made in China and sold in the USA.

Even if the water is “free” it is actually a cost relevant to the sustainability of the offering.
In the US a gallon of gasoline that sells for US$4.00 externalizes US$12.00 to the public in the form of pollution, health, and water costs.
We are entering an era when CEOs cannot carry on as they have, ignorant of both the threats to their country and their business model, and the emerging opportunities. The time has come for pro-active intelligence (decision-support), and for integrity in all respects.
Secular corruption is the enemy of both government and industry. I said this in a letter to The Most Holy Father sent on 20 January 2011, long before OccupyWallStreet emerged as a movement.
Put most directly, material corruption in the secular world is an obstacle to spiritual harmony. The public has lost faith in governments and corporations, including all banks and the media—broadcasting and print. There is no trusted source of information about the material world at the same time that there is growing distrust—schisms of suspicion and hatred—among the religions, with fundamentalists and relativists growing in numbers.
I submit to you that a government-industry commitment to integrity is essential to doing well in the future.
4. Software and the Future
Software is eating all industries one at a time—beware of Google, embrace the open—open source software, open data access, open spectrum, and of course open source intelligence.
Integrity and software can be brought together by understanding that in this new era, proprietary software is not affordable and it is also not scalable. Although Marc Andreessen is on record as believing that software is eating each industry in turn, with education and health being next, and that software is the primary means today of creating “real, high-growth, high-margin, highly defensible businesses,”[4] he does not address the reality that as we move toward a World Brain and a Global Game, only those industries, and those governments, that can exchange all relevant information at machine speed – at machine speed – will prosper.
There are both design and education implications of this view.

Here I illustrate my concept for an Open Source Agency that could help any country become the first country in the world to be a truly Smart Nation.
The four core elements are open source software that you are all familiar with, adding open data access that is now the law in The Netherlands, open spectrum that is inevitable, and my own personal interest, open source intelligence, now called public intelligence.
To the left I have put some other business-relevant opens.
All of this is critical to achieving something that no government, least of all the government of the USA, has been able to plan, much less achieve: resilience. We are at the end of an era of industrialization in which corporations have ruled the world and subverted governments. In fairness to the corporations, I must point out that at least in the case of the USA, corporations did not actively seek to bribe our Senators and Representatives, but rather the opposite: our Senators and Representations, as well as our Presidents and Vice Presidents, have shaken down business for bribes, and created a “government for sale” culture that has destroyed the Commonwealth of the USA.
The design implication is this: no government—and no business—can be resilient—can carry on into the future and be assured of a steady flow of customers, profits, and supplies—in isolation. The ability to exchange information and share information across all boundaries is absolutely vital. The education implications of this are considerable. At a time when U.S. unemployment is over 22% (not the fabricated number the government claims, over 9%), every software company that is innovating is desperate to find qualified individuals, not just for software coding, but for all related aspects of those businesses. We are now at a point where we are realizing that our educational systems are still producing factory workers and middle managers whose jobs no longer exist—individual who are not qualified to work in the new economy where software and information are the primary foundations for innovation, for profit, for prosperity.
5. Renaissance and Resurrection
The time for Spain to restore its greatness as a partner to all countries in the Southern Hemisphere, but especially in Latin America, is now.
Although Chinese and several languages rooted in India are well on their way to becoming the major global languages, while English is in sharp decline; French, Portuguese, and Spanish are in the middle, in large part because these languages are common in the Southern Hemisphere.
Within the three middle languages, Spanish has two huge advantages—the first is the fact that with the exception of Brazil, all of Central and South America have Spanish as their core language. The second, perhaps a mixed blessing, is the Catholic Church.
There is an Apostolic Summit for Peace in Assisi next week, and it might deal with corruption in passing. I did my best with a letter to The Most Holy Father, also delivered to the Franciscans in Assisi, a major organization in Rome, and the Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, D.C. The fact is that Benedict XVI is reversing himself on some of his strongly held views of the past, and embracing the vision, the spirit, and the public focus on John Paul II to the point that I actually feel John Paul II has been resurrected in Benedict XVI.

Here is a map to help illustrate a few points.
First, the Open Veins of Latin America as given to Barack Obama by Hugo Chavez has not been read and is not understood. It is complemented by another book, Savage Capitalism. UNASUR, consisting of the South American countries only, now exists, and Spain has an opportunity to lead the creation of a regional intelligence center within UNASUR but in fact central to the Spanish-speaking world. There is nothing wrong with capitalism as a concept, only its implementation without integrity by certain countries. If Spain and the Spanish business community can represent both moral and informed capitalism, I believe there is an enormous opportunity here.
Second, like it or not Cuba and Venezuela define the Caribbean, and together with advanced and wealthy islands such as Trinidad & Tobago, are a force to be respected. A regional center in Trinidad & Tobago, speaking English, French, and Creole as well as Spanish, has substantial business implications. A strategic accommodation with both Cuba and Venezuela is in my view valuable. It is time to help UNASUR throw the American military, American law enforcement, and American banks out of the region.
Third, Central America, where the Spanish government has pursued more traditional paths of influence from the days of secret wars, is on the verge of major change. I believe drugs will be legalized in the USA within the next few years—certainly marijuana—and I believe that the regional centers offer the only reasonable prospect for helping government and industry to reclaim the land from transnational criminal gangs. It is time to offer them a path to retirement.
Fourth, Mexico has succeeded in its strategy of promoting immigration into the USA, and virtually reclaimed all the land back to the Guadalupe-Hidalgo line—there is a marketplace for Spain in the USA.
Three joint government-industry intelligence centers, one in southern Spain, one in Uruguay, and one in Trinidad and Tobago or Cuba, could radically change the balance of power around the world, to your benefit.
6. Panarchy—Hybrid Governance, Reality, and Information-Sharing
Governments cannot cope with complexity—and the information explosion—without help from the business community both large and small. Hybrid information-sharing networks are essential to all.
When I say that governments cannot copy, this should be understood in relation to functional utility in the face of great complexity, it is not a judgment on one political system or even one political party. The Industrial Era has been one of top-down control and many stovepipes of authority that do not communicate well with one another. Governments—and individual corporations—are not agile enough to adapt to the constant change and the huge information explosion, where managing information is actually a vital determinant of whether or not one is effective or profitable.
What is vital for all of you to understand is that now is the time when the government needs your help, and you all need one another’s help, in creating truly national as well as global information-sharing and sense-making capabilities.
I want to emphasize two core concepts that will influence both the legitimacy of governments and the profitability of companies as we move more deeply into the Information Era.

First and foremost, it is no longer possible to micro-manage anything from the top. The needed information and the needed sense-making simply cannot be done. The biases, filters, and delays inherent in structured organizations cannot be overcome.
Instead, what works is a new culture that respects bottom-up and indigenous knowledge, and places the authority at the lowest possible point in the organization, while enabling that authority to interact freely—and particularly to share information freely—with all others as needed.

Secondly, there are now eight tribes of governance, not one. Each tribe has important contributions to make to a holistic understanding of anything, and each of which must be engaged within the concept of hybrid governance.[5] It is now established that government alone is incapable of governing.
Panarchy is the term used to signify a form of governance that is open, transparent, based on the truth, and enjoying a significant degree of truth among all participants, all of whom have access to the relevant information needed to make decisions both individually and as a constantly-changing mix of groups. Government and industry both need to adapt and become much more agile at information sharing and sense-making with these other stakeholders (the other six “tribes”).
7. Strategic Analytics—Eradicating Corruption for Public and Private Profit
Strategic analytics demand an appreciation for holistic attention, the “new craft of intelligence.”
In this final point, I want to emphasize the urgency of the CEO having a very holistic, inclusive, comprehensive, even visionary view of information, and a deep understanding of the new craft of intelligence—decision-support using only legal and ethical methods.

In this first graphic, I show the four quadrants of information. Most organizations are still trapped in Quadrant I: Knowledge Management, trying to make the most of what they already know internally.
Quadrant II: Collaborative Work, integrates both the art of engaging all stakeholders through structured and unstructured information exchanges, and the science of using customers to actually define and design what they want to buy.
Quadrant III: External Information, is rarely exploited by governments and corporations—they pay lip service to this, and focus too narrowly.
Quadrant IV: Organizational Intelligence, was the subject of a book by Harold Wilensky in 1967, Organizational Intelligence: Knowledge and Policy in Government and Industry. It remains a valuable book—I personally would be most interested in an opportunity to write the sequel on the basis of one Smart Nation actually doing all that is possible—imagine if all of you spent the next year actually creating regional intelligence centers and creating a global Spanish-language public intelligence network devoted to peace and prosperity. It would be an honor to document your successes.

This final slide shows how one can conceptualize holistic analytics, and in this case I emphasize the centrality of corruption in furthering all ten high-level threats to humanity, and in diminishing the success of all policies.
It is my view, presented to all of you as leaders in your respective sectors, that it is no longer possible to be the best without demanding holistic analytics.
Corruption & Waste are consuming at least fifty percent of the value of what we attempt to do for the good of all.
Twenty-three years ago I began a revolution in intelligence affairs, seeking to move governments away from an obsession with secrets they could not share that also did not provide needed decision-support for 80% of the government; toward open sources of information in 183 languages covering every threat, every policy, every opportunity, every service, every product. I have not failed, but a clear victory is not yet in sight. This is normal. It takes twenty-five years or more to achieve great deeds.
I take this with a sense of humility and humor. A few years ago, after speaking to a gathering of senior executives and general officers for year after year, I was invited to speak again. I asked the retired general if they were not tired of listening to me year after year. He laughed and said, “Robert, you don’t understand. All these past years, they have not been listening. This is the year I hope they do listen.”
I am new to all of you, but my roots on my mother’s site run to the Barcelona region in the 17th century, to the Vivas family. I hope you have found something of merit in my presentation, and wish from the heart for Spain to be one of the most peaceful and prosperous nations of this new century.
This conference, bringing together the government and the private sector, is an excellent initiative, and I hope that my ideas can be translated by all of you in the evolution of Spain as a Smart Nation, and into a renaissance of Spanish influence and presence across Central and South America.
Before the year ends, I expect that Greece, Italy, Portugal, and perhaps Spain will have defaulted on their national debts, and I applaud such a default. The first thing each of these countries should do is to re-nationalize all public enterprises that were privatized, and begin a deep series of investigations that culminate in international lawsuits against Goldman Sachs, Citi-Bank, Morgan, Bank of America, and others whose global economic crimes are equal to financial terrorism. I would like to see those banks put out of business, and replaced by national and community banks whose integrity is guaranteed.
It is my view that a new financial order is in the process of being created, and that it will be led by Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, and Venezuela, among others. Certainly I expect Malaysia, Nigeria, and Turkey to have a great deal of influence in this new financial order, and I would be most pleased if Spain were to join with Portugal, Greece, and Turkey to lead the migration from the old financial system that has been imperialistic, predatory, and immoral, toward a new financial system that is in the service of the public. It is the public that consumes, innovates, and produces. You can screw some of the people all of the time, you can screw all of the people some of the time, but you cannot screw all of the people all of the time—that kills the source of life and the source of profit.
Corruption has destroyed Western Civilization. Governments grew too distant from the land and the people, and became overly impressed with their imperial ambitions. The artificial political boundaries that the governments of the West created in the Southern Hemisphere have been deep wounds on the fabric of civilization, disturbing the relations among tribes and between the people and the natural resources, relations that were centuries in the making. Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain all bear responsibility here, as do the Americans, second generation colonialists with equal lust, greater greed, and lesser intellects.
It is my view that this body of government and private sector leaders could lead, must lead, the resurrection of Spain in the 21st Century. I offer a few concluding thoughts.
First, national intelligence must be restructured, with a national open source intelligence capability that can harness the distributed intelligence of the entire nation. Spies do not do real estate, they do not do crime or drugs well, and they are nearly worthless on economic and financial crime including money laundering. National intelligence must be able to map the financial crimes that have undermined the peace and prosperity of the Spanish Republic, and must be able to support criminal and civil prosecutions, not only of the responsible organizations, but of the responsible individuals as well. Much of this information must be open so that it can be shared with the public, both to show how the government is changing to protect the public interest, and to destroy the credibility of the financial and corporate media empires that have sought to undermine Spain and other countries with investment assistance that has been at best ill-advised and at worst—most often—simply criminal, replete with false assurance, conflicts of interest, and pre-planned leveraging of induced defaults.
Second, I recommend that the new national and commercial intelligence service focus on asset confiscation. When I helped create the Scotland Yard SO-11 Open Source Intelligence unit, I had no idea that apart from reducing the time and cost of identifying and capturing terrorists, arms merchants, and other undesirables, it would become responsible for a hundred-fold increase in the confiscation of assets following conviction. Let me say that again: a hundred-fold increase. Spies don’t do real estate, or economic intelligence at the asset level, and ministries generally do not know how to do intelligence. More recently my associates did what the US Government still cannot do—we identified the top twenty Islamic families in each Caliphate nation, and then we identified their specific assets world-wide. You can do the same against crime families. Asset confiscation is what my world calls “low-hanging fruit.” Spies are good at throwing money away—they are not good at finding and confiscating money from others.
Third, I recommend that Spain offer to host a regional intelligence centre somewhere along the southern shore west of Cadiz. If I have learned one thing about reducing arms smuggling, drugs, human trafficking, and money laundering, it is that no one country can do this along, and that neither EUROPOL nor INTERPOL are effective because they are not truly integrated operations. Needed for the protection of Spain, as for the region, is a Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) Centre that operates in all languages of the region, and is able to provide timely intelligence in support of interdiction as well as asset confiscation.
Fourth, I recommend that Spain take an interest—bringing together all eight tribes of intelligence—in establishing a similar regional centre in Latin America. I personally do not favor the exclusion of Venezuela or Cuba from discussions about this matter—Venezuela has money and Cuba has human networks across the region, now is the time to move beyond the Cold War frameworks and focus on creating mutual profits.
Fifth, I believe that it is possible to resurrect the glory, the peace, and the prosperity that is and must be Spain, by recommitting to the public interest. I see a need for the government to recommit, and I see a need for the business community to recommit. The only sustainable profit is that profit that does no harm to the larger Earth and the public that is the root of all profit as well as all productivity. Spain is a blessed land and the spring water of Iberian culture. Similarly, many investors are very honorable individuals who are distraught over both the evil that has been done in the name of the investor class, and the risk to themselves and their families should the “99%” turn against all who exhibit excessive wealth. Millionaires, not just billionaires, now have legitimate concerns that a breakdown of law and order could place them at risk. Spain can recover much more quickly than most people realize if the Prime Minister and a select group of billionaires and millionaires with integrity come together to draw a line in the sand and demonstrate the fundamental value of integrity in its larger sense—not just honor, but cohesion, holistic analytics, public buy-in, and the ultimate proof: RESILIENCE with profit. Emerging Unstable Markets could be replaced by Trusted Resilient Markets as a draw for wealth seeking investments secured by the integrity of the governments and the financial sectors that choose to follow a morally and financially rigorous path. Transparency, truth, and truth are the foundation for sustainable profit.
Sixth, Central and South America are a new land of opportunity for Spain. I believe that you can achieve a renaissance of Spanish influence, profit, and peace around the world, using commercial intelligence as a lever.
Thank you.
Appendix—New Rules for the New Craft of Intelligence
001 Decision-Support is the Raison D'être
002 Value-Added Comes from Analysis, Not Secret Sources
003 Global Coverage Matters More
004 Non-Traditional Threats Are of Paramount Importance
005 Intelligence without Translation is Ignorant
006 Source Balance Matters More
007 “Two Levels Down“
008 Processing Matters More, Becomes Core Competency
009 Cultural Intelligence is Fundamental
010 Geospatial and Time Tagging is Vital
011 Global Open Source Benchmarking
012 Counterintelligence Matters More
013 Cross-Fertilization Matters More
014 Decentralized Intelligence Matters More
015 Collaborative Work and Informal Communications Rise
016 New Value is in Content + Context + Speed
017 Collection Based on Gaps versus Priorities
018 Collection Doctrine Grows in Sophistication
019 Citizen “Intelligence Minutemen” are Vital
020 Production Based on Needs vs. Capabilities
021 Strategic Intelligence Matters More
022 Budget Intelligence Is Mandatory
023 Public Intelligence Drives Public Policy
024 Analysts are Managers
025 New Measures of Merit
026 Multi-Lateral Burden-Sharing is Vital
About the Author I (What Others Say)
Robert Steele is unusual for an American…he is clearly internationalist in his orientation. He has written a book that can bring us together in facing our greatest enemies: ignorance, poverty, and mistrust.
Rear Admiral Hamit Gulemre Aybars, Turkish Navy (Retired)
Robert Steele’s vision for the future of intelligence is clearly “internationalist” in nature. It focuses on regional partnerships…and on the value of open source intelligence collection.
Rear Admiral Dr. Sigurd Hess, DE N(Ret), Former Chief of Staff, Allied Command Baltic Approaches
Constantly committed to truth and honesty, [his work] demonstrates his ability to grasp the real issues and to take into account the views and concerns of men of good will from all nations and all cultures.
Admiral Pierre Lacoste, French Navy (Ret), Former Director of Foreign Intelligence (DSGE)
Robert Steele goes well beyond the original visions of the best of the Directors of Central Intelligence, and has crafted a brilliant, sensible, and honorable future for the intelligence profession.
Major General Oleg Kalugin, KGB (Ret), former Elected Deputy to the Russian Parliament
Over a broad canvas reflecting the changing nature of information and information technologies, Robert Steele lays the foundation for the future of e-intelligence.
Commodore Patrick Tyrrell, OBE, Royal Navy, United Kingdom
Few have thought as deeply or imaginatively about such questions as a super-smart [now fifty-seven]-year old former Marine and intelligence officer named Robert D. Steele…
Alvin & Heidi Toffler, War & Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century
Steele consistently has been well ahead of the pack in his appreciation for everything from open source research to the implications of technology…his work thrills with its insights and ideas.
Ralph Peters, Fighting for the Future: Will America Triumph?
Robert Steele is about 100 times as smart and 10,000 times as dangerous as the best of the hackers, for he is successfully hacking the most challenging of bureaucracies…for the right reasons.
Bruce Sterling in Hacker Crackdown: Law and Order on the Electronic Frontier
Steele’s concept is simple: Empower the citizen and private sector to gather and analyze intelligence so that we can make informed decisions [using] Open Source Intelligence gathering [that] is faster, smarter, cheaper…
Robert Young Pelton, author, World’s Most Dangerous Places, producer, Come Back Alive
Robert Steele deserves our admiration and our focused attention for bringing the idea of open source information to the fore. His passion to serve the nation by developing this new approach…is exemplary.
Lieutenant General Patrick Hughes, U.S. Army (Retired), Former Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Robert Steele storms into the core of intelligence issues without fear. The scope of his work is impressive and whether you agree with him or not, you cannot ignore what he says.
The Honorable Richard Kerr, Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
About the Author II (Short History)
Robert David STEELE Vivas is the son of a Colombian mother with Spanish roots (Barcelona region in the 17th Century, “Que Vivas”) and a US father with Scottish and English roots, also documented back to the 17th Century.
Born in 1952 (59) in the USA, he lived most of his young life in Latin America and Asia—six years in Colombia, one in the Dutch West Indies, then four in Viet-Nam, two in the Philippines (concurrently with Viet-Nam), one in Thailand, and three in Singapore.
He was educated at Muhlenberg College (AB Political Science), Lehigh University (MA International Relations), and the University of Oklahoma (MPA Public Administration). He also holds a Diploma with Distinction from the Naval War College. He is a graduate of the US Marine Corps Command & Staff College (Reserve) as well as the Mid-Career Course of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and has completed a wide variety of professional intelligence, management, and information technology courses in association with his varied responsibilities.
After active duty as a Marine Corps infantry officer he was selected for the Clandestine Service of the CIA, and after accelerated training, completed three back-to-back tours as a clandestine case officer in Latin America, where he was one of the first case officers assigned full-time against the terrorist target, in the 1980’s.
Returning to CIA Headquarters, he did three tours, one in counterintelligence, one in advanced information technology, and the last in advanced technical program management (overhead satellites and other collection systems). He resigned to accept an offer from the US Marine Corps to serve as the founding senior civilian of the new Marine Corps Intelligence Center.
As the Special Assistant (GM-14) and Deputy Directory (LtCol) he planned and executed the entire program in detail, from personnel job descriptions and hiring to security and communications and information technology as well as facilities planning and budgeting. He served as Study Director and architect of the flagship product of the Center, Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations in the Third World (1990), a product that for the first time in US history, created a global survey across 144 war-fighting factors, each defined at three to five levels of difficulty specified by the war-fighters in their own terms. The study also produced Strategic Generalizations for guiding acquisition away from the existing “big, expensive, complex” systems favored by the larger US military services.
As a direct consequence of what he learned in creating a Center where $20 million was spent on Top Secret systems and access to Top Secret information, only to find that most of what was needed was not known to the US Government or the US Intelligence Community, but easily acquired from open sources, he became the first modern champion of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). From 1988-1993 he sought to influence from within; in 1993 he resigned from the civil service and founded Open Source Solutions, Inc., later Open Source Solutions Network, Inc., so as to spend seventeen years helping 90 governments—66 of them directly—do better with open sources and methods in 183 languages most governments do not understand.
During this seventeen year period he was also active as an innovator in commercial intelligence (what most call competitor intelligence is poorly named, and competitors are the least relevant element for anyone seeking to make the most of the future). He organized international conferences, personally orchestrated the training of 7,500 mid-career officers from 66 countries, and visited 20 countries under contract to carry out direct training and consulting.
More recently he founded Earth Intelligence Network, an accredited 501c3 (non-profit), and Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog that includes the informal Journal of Public Intelligence, and ready access to all of his book reviews—over 1,700 of them, in 98 non-fiction categories. He is the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction.
Recommended for this Group, in Spanish (YouTube 6 Segments and Slides)
2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile)
Recommended for this Group, Full Text Online with Automatic Translation
1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (Full Text Online for Google Translate))
2002: New Rules for the New Craft of Intelligence (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
2008: Creating a Smart Nation (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
2008: World Brain as EarthGame (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
Robert Steele: Trip Report – Occupy Wall Street 6 October 2011 – Second American Revolution is Real
Robert Steele: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
Books by Robert Steele Recommended for this Book (Free Online & At Amazon)
2012 Manifesto for Truth: Expanding the Open Source Revolution (Evolver Editions, July 2012)
2010 INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability
2006 THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest
2002 THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE: Personal, Public, & Political
Other Work by Robert Steele
Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Robert David STEELE Vivas
[1] Journal: Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP. Online translation possible.
[2] Journal: Politics & Intelligence–Partners Only When Integrity is Central to Both. Online translation possible.
[3] A good example is provided by the Commit Forum.
[4] Marc Andreessen, “Why Software Is Eating The World,” Wall Street Journal, 20 August 2011.
[5] The most relevant book to call for hybrid governance that I know of is by J. F. Rischard (then Vice President for Europe of the World Bank, HIGH NOON: 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them (Basic, 2003). See also Wolfgang Reinicke’s two books, Global Public Policy: Governing Without Government? (Brookings, 1998) and Critical Choices: The United Nations, Networks, and the Future of Global Governance (IDRC, 2000).