John Steiner: Open Source Everything — the Meme is Now a Book

Manifesto Extracts
John Steiner


Robert Steele, a former spy and co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, was brought into our fold by Tom Atlee and especially Tom's book, The Tao of Democracy: Using co-intelligence to create a world that works for all.  In  the past decade Robert has participated in open space events as well as transpartisan events, sponsored the publication of COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace, and led a team creating a strategic analytic model for enabling all stakeholder–not just governments-to share information.

Now, for the first time, he has created a book for the general public.  THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust, is being distributed by Random House to all bookstores, and is available at all the normal online outlets.  Click on the book title to read short extracts from each chapter, watch a video interview by Warren Pollack, a review by Ralph Peters, and/or to select from any of the many options for purchase.  At this time Amazon is the least expensive at $10 instead of full retail $15.

The book was inspired by Robert's presentation to Gnomedex in Seattle, “Open Everything: We Won, Now Let's Self-Govern.”  A link to the video is at the above consolidated post.

Robert tells me the book made Top 100 in Democracy at Amazon, and more recently Top 100 in Espionage–these are fleeting rankings, but I am buying a copy of the book today, and I believe there is a possibility that the book could become a cult classic–transparency, truth and trust versus tyranny, toxicity, and theft.  A quick search for “Open Source Everything” suggests that the book is making its mark, and I urge one and all to help it along however they think best.


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