Jon Rappoport: Is CIA Dumping Clintons?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Is the CIA getting ready to dump the Clintons?

How many times are the dynamic duo allowed to wander off the reservation?

Mainstream press outlets are mounting a new brand of coverage on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. They’re questioning her ability to win the nomination and/or the general election. All of a sudden, the done deal is not done.

What’s behind this switch? Aside from fear of The Donald, there is the boiling Hillary email scandal. There is also the specter of further revelations about the syndicate known as the Clinton Foundation. That’s a big one. A very big one.

Read full post.

Phi Beta Iota: The Clinton Foundation has been “off limits” to the normal investigative, regulatory, and punitive agencies. Wayne Madsen broke the story and we have to say we agree — the focus on the emails as violations of secrecy, while important, pale in relation to the FACT that the private server was really an alternative Command & Control, Communications, Computing, and Intelligence (C4I) service INTENDED to be outside US Government scrutiny. Hillary Clinton was selling US military interventions and US foreign policy and permissions via the Clinton Foundation, and this is at best a massive persistent conflict of interest and at worst TREASON.

See Especially:

Wayne Madsen: Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Was Front End for a Private Foreign Policy/Intelligence Operation

See Also:

Ray McGovern: Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton’s Emails

Ray McGovern: Clinton Lied to Congress — Is Indictment Certain?

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