The Trump Miracle — Three Track Strategy

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Please donate whatever you can to support our final big push with Trump Team and the Also Rans. Our endeavor is taking three tracks:

Track One: show Donald Trump, Reince Priebus, and Paul Ryan why Electoral Reform, Grand Strategy, and a Presidential Academy are the fastest cheapest way of stopping the riots and protests funded by George Soros and other evil-doers, while blocking the Swamp People for taking them over.  The free online version of our carefully documented (30 endnotes, close to 50 links) story:

Robert Steele: Memorandum for President-Elect Donald Trump – 3 Big Problems, 3 Big Solutions

Robert Steele: Donald Trump, The Accidental President — Under Siege! A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System…

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Click on Image to Enlarge

Track Two: show Libertarians and Greens particularly, but Constitution, Reform, and genuine independents as well as emerging parties such as Working Families, why they should come together to support Donald Trump as the legitimate President-Elect provided that he signs the Electoral Reform Act — the Unity Act — on Inauguration Day.The leaders of the Libertarian and Green parties, as well as Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, and others, are being encouraged to issue a joint press release this coming week. Details on Open Power Electoral Reform – note the memo to Tom Steyer, are here:

Open Power Electoral Reform @ Phi Beta Iota

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Click on Image to Enlarge

Track Three: Educate the witless children being mis-guided by funded agitators on the fact that “their” preferred candidate is a pedophile guilty of treason as well as multi-billion dollar wire and solicitation fraud and influence peddling. The personal memorandum from Robert Steele to FBI Director James Comey can be viewed online:

Robert Steele: Certified Letter to James Comey – Pedophilia, Electoral Fraud, Treason, Charity Fraud – UPDATE 5

There is only one solution that can stop the protests, empower Trump to be the best modern president we could have hoped for, and restore integrity to our government by re-enfranchising the 70% left out and left behind: a Unity Act — an Electoral Reform Act. Block the Swamp People!

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Click on Image to Enlarge

NOTE 1: Robert Steele is encouraging his NSA colleagues to bring up all the emails documenting collusion between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) going back to when the RNC asked the DNC to ask John Kerry to bury the Iran Contra hearings, which he gladly did despite clear evidence from many of us working the Central American drugs-guns-money laundering issue at the time. The next big story to come out of this election — if it is not Trump's resignation and surrender which we pray will not happen — is going to be the NSA leaking of the emails that show the public with absolute clarity that there is no difference between the RNC and the DNC.

Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey

NOTE 2: A tip of the hat and shout out to Oprah Winfrey, who has detected the same evidence of humility in Donald Trump that we have as he contemplates the Trump Miracle. He was not supposed to win and he knew that. Now he is stuck.  He can quit, he can get it right, or he can surrender to the two-party tyranny and the Swamp People that work for Wall Street (which has always laughed at him as a chump struggling to earn loose change while they steal trillions by manipulating the foreign exchange and interest rates in addition to managing predatory student and medical and small business loans). See Oprah's words of wisdom below:

Oprah: A Message of Hope As U.S. Grapples With The Reality Of A Trump Presidency

Money is needed now to fund certified priority mail, facsimiles from Federal Express to various Members, ink cartridges and paper, and web services including beating back renewed efforts to penetrate and disable Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog (unlikely to be successful, the best of the hackers know that we represent goodness and leave us alone). Donate what you can to marked as friends and family.


Postcript: Had Hillary Clinton “won” it was our intent to go silent and continue to work behind the scenes toward a coalition that was refused in 2015-2016 by the Libertarians and Greens. Donald Trump “won” — an absolute miracle by the hand of God — and therefore every citizen should be supporting him, not rioting and protesting without a clue.

Read the story.

Donate, please.

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