Jean Lievens: Michael Schmidt on The Internet & Ideology — war between the parasitic and productive classes

Internet & Ideology Against the Nationalist Fragmentation of Cyberspace & Against “Astroturf Activism” The Arab Spring redrew the battle-lines between over the control of information between the statist/capitalist elites and the popular classes – raising questions of increased restriction and surveillance, and of the limits of cyber-activism. In some ways this battle is often mischaracterised …

Review (Guest): The Net Delusion – The Dark Side of Internet Freedom

Evgeny Morozov 5.0 out of 5 stars Intellectual Recycling and Internet-Centrism, a tale of Cyber-Utopia Gone Really Wrong, November 30, 2012 Abhinav Agarwal (Bangalore, India) Dunks a much needed, well-reasoned, and well-researched bucket of cold-water over “Internet-centrists” and “cyber-utopians” (cyber-utopianism is a “naïve belief in the emancipatory nature of online communication”), and assembles together an …

Michel Bauwens: Recommended Reading – Cypherpunks on Freedom and the Future of the Internet

Book of the Day: Cypherpunks on Freedom and the Future of the Internet Excerpted from a review by Cryptome: “This is a highly informative book, perhaps the best published on the substance of WikiLeaks, its technology, philosophy, origin and purpose, rooted in the Cypherpunks resistance to authority through encryption and anonymizing technology. The trenchant and …

Berto Jongman: Internet Censorship – Corporate Control

Tech giants have power to be political masters as well as our web ones The Arab spring showed how multinationals can wield power without responsibility by controlling internet access John Naughton The Observer, 25 February 2012 Among all the excited commentary about the role of social networking in the Arab spring, one uncomfortable fact stands …