Steven Aftergood: CRS on Article V Constitutional Convention

Someone in Congress evidently wants an update. The Article V Convention to Propose Constitutional Amendments: Current Developments, March 29, 2016 After more than 20 years of comparative inaction,the past decade has seen a resurgence of interest in and support for the Article V Convention alternative.Advocacy groups across a broad range of the political spectrum are …

Friends of the Article V Convention: Congress Begins Counting State Applications for a Convention

Congress Begins Count of AVC Applications With a quiet addition to House rules on January 6, 2015 the House of Representatives began for the first time in history an official process for tabulation of state applications for an Article V Convention.    …   According to Article V of the Constitution Congress is mandated to call a …

Mark Levin: YouTube (30:01) Constitution Article V, and the Liberty Amendments

Mark Levin shows how the state legislatures, with no permission required from the feds, can amend the US Constitution. It’s right there in Article V, and the historical record shows that the Founding Fathers meant for that Article to be used in a time like ours, when the feds have gone way beyond their Constitutionally …

Alexandra Bruce: Hacking The Brain With Nanoparticles

Hacking The Brain With Nanoparticles I’m probably not the only one who’s thought this rush to inject at least 70% of the human population with “manipulative magnetic nano-medicine” and “super paramagnetic nanoparticles” smacks of an alien agenda. Implants and tracking devices have been recurring themes of the Alien Abduction Scenario since the 1961 Betty and …

Yoda: Could Nano-Particles Be Isolated & Neutralized?

Electric Fields Remove Nanoparticles From Blood With Ease Engineers at the University of California, San Diego developed a new technology that uses an oscillating electric field to easily and quickly isolate drug-delivery nanoparticles from blood. The technology could serve as a general tool to separate and recover nanoparticles from other complex fluids for medical, environmental, …