Our default publication rate is three per day, pre-loaded to release at 0730, 0745, and 0800 each day, Eastern time. On occasion we may have a fourth SPECIAL. Below is the message from MadHatter at WordPress.com outlining options for changing frequency to Daily or Weekly.
With great regret, we have had to close all comments and ping-backs because Russian spammers are over-whelming WordPress. Emails are always welcome and where desired structured comments delivered via email will happily be posted as guest interventions.
The purpose of the Journal of Public Intelligence (JPI) is to sharply distinguish the nature of public intelligence (decision-support) that is in the public interest and also openly available to the public, as opposed to secret intelligence (mostly secret information, not actually decision-support), and to serve as the primary free onlined source for Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) in the public interest at all levels on all matters.
The beta version of the JPI will be informal and solely online, pending the formalization of an editorial advisory board, editors for each of the eight intelligence “tribes” (government, military, law enforcement, academia, business, media, non-profit and non-governmental, and civil society (inclusive of citizen advocacy groups, labor unions, and regligions), and such other editors as may step forward to cover specific nations, agencies, disciplines, or domains.
The formal printable version of the Journal will be offered via Amazon as single issues on demand, and will follow the superb example of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), with all elements of the Journal in PDF form for free down-load, but retaining the structured, edited, dated, paginated “form” of a printed peer-review journal.
Tyalor & Francis, publishers of the International Journal of Intelligence & Counterintelligence (IJIC) as well as Intelligence and National Security (INS), has been offered an opportunity to publish the formal JPI in hard-copy for distribution to libraries and other centers of reflection. If they choose not to accept our offer, Earth Intelligence Network will do so. The six major areas of interest for which submissions are sought are:
Ten High-Level Threat to Humanity–what can the public know, how, when, to drive policy & spending in the public interest instead of on behalf of special interests?
Twelve Core Policies–what can the public know, how, when, to demand that policies be based on true cost assessments and in the context of a larger strategy that harmonizes spending across all twelve policies to achieve speccified outcomes in relation to the ten high-level threats as well as the policy objective areas?
Eight Democraphic Challengers–what can the public know, how, when, to assist or engage any element of the eight demographic challengers so as to remediate their condition and assist them in avoiding the mistakes of the West while still striving to achieve sustainable high quality lives for global humanity?
Collaboration Zones–what lessons learned, sources and methods found, case studies can we share that demonstrate the application of M4IS2 principles as well as the twelve spiritual principles of Phi Beta Iota, to any specific challenge?
Communities of Practice–what lessons learned, sources and methods found, case studies can we share that demonstrate the application of M4IS2 principles as well as the twelve spiritual principles of Phi Beta Iota, to any specific challenge?
Training & Who's Who–what specifics can be shared that apply to any community of practice in any collaboration zone with respect to any threat, policy, or demographic challenger?
As a general rule, submission must be in the form of a 500 abstract with one graphic, and a persistent URL to which the Journal can point the reader. If a persistent URL is not available, we will accept the entire longer work for posting in our own archives, and point to it there.
JPI is registered with the Library of Congress as ISSN 1078-1935 and is an evoluation of the original Open Source Solutions Notices published by the for-profit parent of the earth Intelligence Network.
JPI is published free online by Earth Intelligence Network, EIN 20-828-6516, an accredited 501c3 Public Charity, and in ther service of Phi Beta Iota, a global virtual network of anyone who wishes to nurture public intelligence in the public interest.