Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Kristan Wheaton

Alpha V-Z, Peace Intelligence
Kristan Wheaton
Kristan Wheaton

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Kristan Wheaton is the author of The Warning Solution: Intelligent Analysis in the Age of Information Overload (Falls Church, VA: AFCEA International Press, 2001) and is currently busy working on his next book, Failed States: How to Predict Them, How to Prevent Them. He is also a Foreign Area Officer for the US Army who  served as an attaché in the Office of the Legal Counselor, US Embassy, The Hague, where he works with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on war crimes issues. He has served as the Chief of the Office of Defense Cooperation at the US Embassy in Zagreb, Croatia, as the Chief of European Analysis in the Intelligence Directorate of the US European Command, as a US Defense Liaison Officer to the Republic of Macedonia and as a Special Assistant for Intelligence to the Commander of Multinational Division North in Bosnia. His recent publications include ‘Combat by Tria’ in Proceedings, (September 2001), and ‘Evolution, Ethnicity and Propaganda: Why Negotiating with the Innocent Makes Sense’ in Evolutionary Theory and Ethnic Conflict (August 2001).  Click on the photograph to reach his current biographic page at Mercyhurst College.

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