Journal: Beyond Partisanship on Health Care

07 Health, Ethics
Non-Partisan Health Dialog
Non-Partisan Health Dialog

The White House and Congress are betraying the public trust on the current health care “debate” which is both uninformed and duplicitous–the White House KNOWS it has not done its homework; it KNOWS it does not have a Whole of Government strategy for governance within our means; and it KNOWS the planned bill is unaffordable, unexecutable, and good ONLY for the profits.  Until we take the profit and the waste out of health care, and address health care in four parts (see the illustration below that leads to the chapter on The Substance of Governance by Robert Steele), AND as part of a twelve-policy harmonization of means, ways, and ends, what passes for a government in the USA will continue to be criminally insane or insanely criminal.  It is what it is.  Time to change that.

Health Policy 101
Health Policy 101

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
