The theme of “The Future of Cloud Computing” highlights many of the modern technology innovations that are being developed in support of Cloud-based services. As a co-located conference being held in conjunction with the 2nd International SOA Symposium, this event further addresses the ever-widening convergence between SOA and Cloud-based services.
Click on the cloud for program information.
Phi Beta Iota: Below the fold is what Robert Steele wants as the heart of the World Brain, available as an integrated Free/Open Source Program to anyone:
A good start would be for HP or Sun to build out by finding F/OSS variation for each of the softwares in the below list of UNINTEGRATED and largely proprietary softwares being used by the U.S. Special Operations Command (J-23).
Of course, Microsoft could always come to its senses and use all that excess cash to do a clean-sheet fresh start that gives out the cell phones and the software free while monetizing the aggregation of all information in all langauges all the time….can you spell DEATH BY LEGACY?