Confrontation or Collaboration? Congress and the Intelligence Community
Memorandum, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School
July 2009
Authors: Eric Rosenbach, Executive Director for Research, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Aki J. Peritz
Click any of the links below to read and download the individual memos online.
You can download the complete report containing all the memos at the bottom of this page.
Background Memos
- Intelligence Basics
- Organization of the Intelligence Community
- Congressional Oversight of the Intelligence Community
- The Congressional Authorization and Appropriation Processes
- Informing Congress of Intelligence Activities
- Covert Action
- National Intelligence Estimates
- Defense Intelligence
- Domestic Intelligence
- Intelligence and International Cooperation
Issue Memos
- Intelligence Reform
- Interrogations and Intelligence
- Electronic Surveillance and FISA
- Cyber Security and the Intelligence Community
- Overhead Surveillance
- The National Interest, Energy Security and the Intelligence Community
- Terrorist Safehavens and the Intelligence Community
- The Role of Private Corporations in the Intelligence Community
- State and Local Fusion Centers
Download the report:
For more information about this publication please contact the Belfer Center Communications Office at 617-495-9858.
For Academic Citation:
Rosenbach, Eric and Aki J. Peritz. Confrontation or Collaboration? Congress and the Intelligence Community. Cambridge, Mass.: Report for Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, July 2009. Phi Beta Iota: As bland and uncritical as this collection might be, it's better than most books sold on Amazon and we therefore recommend it as a starting point. On balance, a great personal effort. Britt Snider remains the master, and we recommend his book as well as his earlier papers that were turned into the book. Britt and Loch Johnson are the only two people who have served as staff on both the Church Committee and the Aspin-Brown Commission–that makes them priceless to anyone truly interested in transformative reform of the U.S. Intelligence Community.