HANDBOOK: Community Security

Law Enforcement, Stabilization, Threats/Topical, UN/NGO

Community Security handbook


Security is a universal entitlement and a core part of human well-being. Where people cannot enjoy security, poverty and injustice are prevalent in other forms. Many major reports and policy initiatives in recent years have not only built strong evidence to underpin these claims, but they have also affirmed the need to foster a concept of security which puts people at its centre. When Saferworld has consulted people on what security means to them in different countries, the answer is always unique and specific to the context.

With this in mind, Saferworld has developed an approach that explains the principles underpinning Community Security interventions, and suggests practical implementation strategies that draw on our work and the work of a select number of agencies. The handbook is aimed at both policy makers and practitioners – particularly programme managers – and intends to help them work through the steps involved in planning, implementing, evaluating and improving Community Security interventions. It sets out the objectives of Saferworld’s Community Security work, explains why we see it as important, and draws together a significant body of learning and experience that ties together the theory and practice behind interconnected peace, conflict, security and development interventions.

PDF (52 Pages): Community Security Handbook

Recommended by Berto Jongman

Handbook: How to Negotiate a Ceasefire

Law Enforcement, Military, Stabilization, Threats/Topical, UN/NGO

Kristan Wheaton posted the below to his blog yesterday:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To Negotiate A Ceasefire (HDCentre.org)

The Centre For Humanitarian Dialogue, located in Geneva, Switzerland, has done a really good job of pulling together a concise monograph called “Negotiating Ceasefires”.

Only 44 pages from start to finish (including endnotes and a comprehensive list of suggested additional readings), this guidebook is filled with practical advice, concise case studies and quotes from practitioners about the risks and rewards inherent in negotiating a ceasefire.

Read more….

Search: nato knowledge development handbook

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Mapping, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Non-Governmental, Threats, Threats/Topical

What an interesting search, thank you.  Here are some links that came up in a broader search that we import to Phi Beta Iota with a tip of the hat to the anonymous searcher.

Cross-Domain Collaboration Takes Center Stage at NATO Network-Enabled Capability (NNEC) Conference (Intelligence and Knowledge Development, March 12, 2010)

IMPLEMENTATION OF NATO EBAO DOCTRINE AND ITS EFFECTS ON OPERATIONAL STAFFS’ STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS by Cristophe MIDAN  Strategic Impact (Impact Strategic), issue: 4 / 2009, pages: 3954, on www.ceeol.com.

MCC Northwood Effects Based Approach to the Operational Planning Process, CDR J.L. Geiger, USN    N521 (Bottom line: Knowledge Development is OSINT outside of the IC combined with rotten and thin secret intelligence from Member states).

Model NATO 2009/2010 Handbook

Cody Burke, Freeing knowledge, telling secrets: Open source intelligence and development (Centre for East-West Cultural and Economic Studies, CEWCES Research Papers, Bond University, 2007)

Handbook: Democide–Internal Murder by Regimes

05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, Threats/Topical
Democide Home Page

This is a virtual handbook, an online compilation of a new broader concept, democide, that encompasses genocide but focuses on what be called “death by power” or “killed because they could” at the hands of authoritarian regimes.  The term does not include those killed by the USA or other countries engaged in foreign wars in which civilians are “collateral damage,” in the case of the Global War on Terror, along the lines of 10 to 1 by the USA and 100 to 1 by those who plant bombs to terrorize publics (some of the bombs appear to be planted by Blackwater and their like, sponsored by the Joint Special Operations Group (JSOC) and/or the Centeral Intelligence Agency (CIA) to justify further militarization of a given conflict.  The US secret world can no longer be trusted to act in the public interest, nor to be effective in support of legitimate campaign needs such as those of our commanders in Afghanistan.

On genocide, see Dr. Greg Stanton's Genocide Watch.

On 44 dictators, 42 of them “best pals” of the US Government, see Ambassador Mark Palmer's two contributions:

2004 Palmer (US) Achieving Universal Democracy by Eliminating All Dictators within the Decade

Review: Breaking the Real Axis of Evil–How to Oust the World’s Last Dictators by 2025