From Jihadist Blogger to Suicide Bomber
Updated | 4:15 p.m. As my colleague Stephen Farrell reports on Saturday, the Jordanian suicide bomber who killed eight intelligence officers at a C.I.A. base in Afghanistan last month apparently recorded a martyrdom video before his death, in which he said that his attack was an act of revenge for the assassination of the Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in an American drone strike. The video was broadcast by Al Jazeera and is featured in this report on the satellite channel’s English-language Web site:

Sheikh Awlaki: ”The Battle of Hearts and Minds”
Now hear this again “The US is trying to change Islam itself!!!”. Without any shame, they are openly stating that we have a desire not only to influence the Muslim societies but we want to change the religion itself! Probably at the time of Bani Israel those Rabbis who were changing the book of Allah never dared to say so openly! These, without even hiding it, are saying that we want to change Islam, yes we do!
Bothers and sisters, when a Muslim, a true Muslim, hears this, he hears that non-Muslims who have no knowledge about the religion, who do not believe in Allah Almighty who don't believe in Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and don't take Quran as the book of Allah, when a Muslim hears that such a people, are openly claiming that we want to change your religion, this should make any Muslim who has any love of Allah Almighty angry!

Emir of Emirate Caucasus Dokka Abu Usman: ‘Nevsky Express' was just a beginning…!
According to Emir Dokka Abu Usman, more than 20 Martyr operations have been carried out over the past year on the territory of Emirate Caucasus. Last year, the Mujahideen considerably intensified sabotage operations inside Russia and they conducted by the Martyrs' Brigade “Riyad-us-Saliheen”, reestablished by an order of the Emir of the Emirate Caucasus.
Dokka Abu Usman specially emphasized that all military and sabotage operations had been carried out under his orders. He also pointed out that the claims by Kremlin and its puppet Kadyrov that “a stability and peace had been established in Chechnya” were utterly false.
Phi Beta Iota: All as recommended by Berto Jongman.