Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief (1996-99)
Today on C-SPAN: Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief (1996-99), discussed the latest on the alleged terrorist attack on Northwest flight 253, new security procedures, the recent killings of CIA employees in Afghanistan and the Obama administration's response to foreign terrorists.
Washington, DC
Phi Beta Iota: U.S. Foreign Policy is a complete mess, despite the best efforts of our professional diplomats (who are outnumbered by military musicians) for three reasons:
1. The excessive and totally inappropriate power of Israel and its US-citizen sayonim
2. The immoral and often outrageously ridiculous antics of CIA in support of dictators and regime changes–made worse by CIA's refusal to comply with the law in declassying old information to the point that we cannot write an accurate history of U.S. foreign relations
3. The idiocy of our partisan ideologies that give excessive attention to the Jewish voting bloc in the USA
Summary of key points from the Scheuer appearance:
+ Watchlist is not a silver bullet
+ We're at drawing board, have not progressed beyond 9/11
+ US labeling of Al Qaeda as hating our philosphy of liberty is false–they hate our policies and especially our support for tyrants including Yemen dictatorship, Saudi dictatorship
+ Our unquestioned support to Israel is part of the problem
+ Al Qaeda achieved 80% of its goals despite non-explosion–grid lock, fear, US incompetence
BLOWN OFF: Caller asking about suppression of eye-witness acounts on no passport and on guy filming entire incident from the front of the aircraft
ANSWERED: US IC has gone from 166 to 18, more bureaucracy, more money, still lethargic and non-cooperative, compeuter systems not integrated, national centers have 3-4 different computers on a single desk–short of a major attack on US, not likely to see serious (draconian) reform.
ANSWERED: Until we stop supporting dictators overseas, and Israel, we will continue to attract an infinite number of individual and orgnaizational attacks.
ANSWERED: Release of prisoners from Guantanamo has not been a success. Brannon wrong on Guantanamo being a major grievance. Rehabilitation not real–a few successes, most freed by Arabs as long as they leave country.
ANSWERED: Called sick and tired of Jews having too much power in USA and pushing us into fighting Muslims for them–Iraq has had a huge cost for US, will take decades to rehabilitate our own soldiers. Scheuer: we have not had a real discussion about whether we should support Israel as we do–this has not been discussed. Ultimaely Israel is not strategically important to us, and their association with us is a negative. Our support for Israel and our support for dictatorships HURTS US.
ANSWERED: Follow up on blown off question, Info-Wars web site mentioned. Scheuer: Don't have the answer. second blow off.
See also:
Journal: Evidence of Nigerian Terrorist Being Staged
Journal: Historian’s View of CIA, Yemen, and Air Threat
Journal: Michael Schaur Slams Brennan, Tenet, Berger on CNN
Worth a Look: Israeli Connections to USS Cole & 9-11
Journal: Walking Into Al Qaeda’s Trap in Yemen
Journal: Underpants Bomber Shines Light on Naked USG–Without Four Reforms, USA Locked in Place
Journal: Yemen–Opening A New “Front” in the Long War
Review: The Power of Israel in the United States
Review: They Dare to Speak Out–People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby
Journal: Government Corruption and Inattention; Foreign Influence and Access: Religious Counterintelligence