Bed Bug Infestation Is Scaring Millions Of Americans
By Anneli Rufus
Outbreaks of bed bugs, soaring in the most unexpected places — like CNN's headquarters — stoke some of our deepest fears. Virtually eradicated nationwide sixty years ago thanks to superpowered pesticides such as DDT, bedbugs are back — largely because those chemicals are now banned, but also thanks to what experts quoted in news reports call “increased foreign travel.” (Claims a rise in bed bugs of 80% since year 2000).
Comment: This article at times rises into exaggeration but is useful overall. In the comments section after the article, solutions to get rid of bedbugs mentioned were Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and Borax.|
A Wake-Up Call on Bedbugs
By Nicholas Kusnetz
(from 2009) Having been almost banished from American beds, the apple seed-sized critters are staging a comeback.
Confirmed NYC violations shot from 82 in 2004 to more than 4,000 last year. A bill in Congress that would provide money to states to help with inspections claims the number of infestations climbed 500 percent in the last few years.
Comment: Maybe the Department of Homeland Security should employ canines who have the capability to detect bed bug scents. Successes in that field may provide them with something positive to combat past failure and history of unjustified passenger harassment (and saving body scan images). However, we would need to make sure they don't enter the bedrooms of American's.
+ BedBugResitry.com
+ BedBugCentral.com
+ http://www.invasive.org
+ Invasive plants citizen participation site