Robert David Steele Vivas Talar Ut [Interview with Robert Steele–Swedish]

Articles & Chapters, Officers Call
  • Leewanta's Observationer
  • Posted in: Blogg
  • on december 15, 2010
Vår gode vän Robert David Steele Vivas, förre detta spion vid CIA, långvarig underrättelseofficer inom Amerikansk intelligentia, grundare av paradigmet Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), talar ut i en intervju med oss beträffande den Amerikanska nationens tillstånd, och ger en mängd djupare, ja törs vi säga välunderrättade, perspektiv på det amerikanska styrelseskicket, samt på den internationella civilisationens utmaningar och möjligheter. Vi talar om en person vars IQ lätt passerar 150 och snabbt kopplar ihop disparata element till att bilda en mer fullständig bild. Det är det vi annars kallar för vishet. Vi vet att detta är en intervju att ta på allvar, Robert är icke en man som har särskilt mycket tid för nonsens. Kraften i budskapet hoppas vi bidrar till reflektioner och studium av innehållets mycket allvarliga implikationer, men även erinrar om trovärdiga perspektiv för en framtid av renässans.
Gone Offiline
Holistisk Arkitekt, Primär Design Specialist, förre detta spion,
grundare av Marine Corps Intelligence Center, grundare av,
och grundare av den icke vinstdrivande rörelsen Earth Intelligence Network.

Q&A in English

2011 The Ultimate Hack Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Chapter for Counter-Terrorism Book Out of Denmark)

About the Idea, Articles & Chapters
Robert David Steele Vivas
Robert David Steele Vivas

UPDATED 2011-09-07  Chapter As Published (PDF)

See Also the Original Briefing with Notes:

2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Denmark 27-28 October 2009)

Full Text (Translatable) Below the Line

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2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

Articles & Chapters

The following three pieces comprise a logical tutorial for any President desiring to get a grip on reality in spite of being trapped in a bad system and surrounded by a combination of partisan apparatchiks who are themselves completely out of touch with reality; or professional intelligence and military officers that have lost touch with their responsibility for assuring “the truth at any cost.”  It is time we stop lying to ourselves and put this country back together with reality-based decision-making in the context of balanced sustainable budget.

Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else, as published in CounterPunch, Weekend Edition, February 27 – 1 March 2009

Fixing the White House and National Intelligence, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Spring 2010; As published; with corrected graphic (best).

Human Intelligence (HUMINT): All Humans, All Minds, All the Time(US Army Strategic Studies Institute, June 2010

See Also:

Continue reading “2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated”

2010: OPINION–America’s Cyber Scam

Articles & Chapters
Link Restored

by Robert David Steele

Tuesday, 09 February 2010

It's time to get real about cybersecurity

I am quite certain that a careful examination of all extant SOWs would reveal a degree of obscurity and incoherence confirming that the US Government is engaged in a massive collective self-deception and entertaining bids for vaporware amidst a climate of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), the latter a tactic of rhetoric and fallacy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics and propaganda.

In my judgment, informed by consultation with a few colleagues and a simple review of the open record, there are fewer than 100 people in the USA who could be called legitimate cybernauts and are qualified for appropriate security clearances.

Below is a table of the top eight US centers on cybersecurity (research-wise) with the observation that not a single one of them is on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) list of  “centers of excellence.


How many of them work at the code level? Out of the 213 faculty, and 191 PhD candidates, only 25 faculty and 38 PhD candidates are doing advanced and seriously interesting research at the code-level (in cybersecurity only – I didn't count other forms of code research). So the army for the coming war to be funded at $12 billion a year is: 63. How much cheaper would it be to simply pay them directly and give them a few million each to nurture both US and foreign students with a gift for code?

These constitute the “lower code” level of warfare where it really matters. However, only 20 percent of them are working on counter-offensive research (that's 12 people for a population of 300 million, never mind the global grid we depend on). Twelve people. I do not make this stuff up!

Below the line: safety copy; or see Google Cache

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