Phi Beta Iota: We have noticed with irritation the number of beltway bandits and think tanks claiming to have OpenBTS well in hand, and vying for the declining government dollar. There is only one company that has a legitimate claim to offering OpenBTS, and that company's name is Range Networks, featured at DEMO 2010 and a spin-off from Kestrel Signal Processing.
The technical minds behind OpenBTS in its current and rapidly maturing form are David A. Burgess, now Chief Technical Officer of Range Networks, and Dr. Harvind S. Samra, a pioneer of novel signal processing algorithms for exploiting packet transmissions. We posted information earlier about their stunning success at Burning Man 2010, where Brother Dave Warner of MindTel was again scouting for follow-ons to STRONG ANGEL III and TOOZL.
To create Range Networks, profitable in year one, they recruited as Chief Executive Officer Glenn Edens, whose background at ZeroOne, Sun Microsystems, and Hewlett Packard is extraordinary–he is a peer of John Gage, who showed off the first hand-held Internet server at OSS '92.
Learn more below the line….

Range Networks Vision Statement
DEMO: Range Networks rings in cell-phone service for $2 a month
Former Sun Labs chief believes in spreading cell phone service everywhere (video)
DEMO Fall 2010 Company Profile