Michel Bauwens: Militarization of Police in Preparation for May Day by Occupy Wall Street

Michel Bauwens

Max Blumenthal of the Nation Institute explains the further militarization.

Police being armed with military weapons. Posse Comitatus being side-stepped by converting police into a virtual military — includes long-range acoustic device as well as tasers and military grade pepper spray. US citizens protesting non-violently now being classified as criminals with a blurring of the lines between protestors, criminials, and terorrists. The police mind-set against non-violent civilians is now anti-Constitutional.

Hundreds of US police officer now being trained in Israel to use Israeli tactics against the Palestinians, against US citizens protestin

Joint Terrorism Task Forces being used to federalize police.  Police Commissioner Kelly of New York City has made several trips to Israel and appears to have embraced their concept of crimi-terrorists: anyone who is disruptive of the “official” perspective.

And for a little emphasis from OccupyHarlem:

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