Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has demonstrated once again the wisdom of the Brahimi Report and the urgency of creating a World Intelligence Center such as Quincy Wright suggested in 1957. The Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3, was formed in 2006 and accredited as a Public Charity in January 2007. Below are a few documents that address our view. A 33-page business plan is circulating and is available on request to anyone with Euro 1-12 million a year to spend.
EIN Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations, 2 Dec 09
EIN Two-Page Point Paper to the Secretary General of the United Nations, 2 Dec 09
EIN Letter to Ten Key Ambassadors in Washington, D.C., 2 Dec 09
Original (2007) Earth Intelligence Network Concept (10 Pages)
Original (2007) Global Game Concept (2 Pages)
See also:
Graphic: Information Sharing–Going for the Green
Search: Strategic Analytic Model
Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]
1988-2009 OSINT-M4IS2 TECHINT Chronology
Search: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
2006 IJIC 19/3 Peacekeeping Intelligence & Information Peacekeeping
2003 PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future
Worth a Look: Peace Book One Now Online in Chapter Form
Books: Intelligence for Peace (PKI Book Two) Finalizing
Review: Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny
Review: Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World
Review: Collective Intelligence–Creating a Prosperous World at Peace
Review: Here Comes Everybody–The Power of Organizing Without Organizations
Review: Stability Operations and State-Building–Continuities and Contingencies: Colloquium Report
Handbook: Guide to Rebuilding Public Sector Services in Stability Operations–A Role for the Military
Review: Promoting Peace with Information–Transparency as a Tool of Security Regimes
Review: Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail
UN-NGO Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)