Berto Jongman: Open Sources on National Security Topics

Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Child Soldiers: a Symptom of War, Poverty & Imperialism

Egypt investigates Iranian plot to bomb Israeli ship in Suez

Inventory of Islamist Attacks

Phi Beta Iota:  Still lacking is a proper evaluation of all alleged terrorist plots and attacks to arrive at a sounder understanding of the degree to which they would not have been possible without strong support from CIA, FBI, or Mossad (or commercial interests), and of course to also more reliably identify those that have been false flag attacks from end to end.

Tariq Ramadan in Toulouse: who gains the most

Tariq Ramadan in Toulouse: video of raid

Tariq Ramadan tours Middle East, arrested in Israel, on US no-fly list

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VIDEO: Fallujah A Lost Generation

Phi Beta Iota:  Forbidden (?) to be shown in the USA, these materials are dramatic evidence of the true cost of US military incursion that make wanton use of depleted uranium and other materials that are toxic to genocidal levels.  What is being done in our name, without sound ethical judgment, without Congressional authorization, and without public understanding of cause and effect, is not only destroying our loyal citizens who served with honor only to die at home by their own hand, homeless, without limbs, or unemployed, it has destroyed the Republic and everything it touches.

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At multiple levels — from the practical — what is the “true cost” down-range of all these actions, in political-legal, social-economic, ideo-cultural, techno-demographic, and natural-geographic – to the spiritical — what price our lost integrity, lost honor, lost legitimacy, lost security — we are failing to be responsible, a failure that curses our own generations into the future.

Phi Beta Iota:  There is good news.  The public's learning curve now is fast enough to detect and deter falsehoods as they are served up.

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