20120627 Open Source Everything Highlights

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Brazil's Open-Government Shock Treatment

Brightcove Open Sources App Cloud, Bets Big On Dual-Screen Apps For Apple TV

Citizen apps – enough to monitor open government?

Digital visibility is king but what colour is our Open Access future?

Hackerspaces, makerspaces, DIYbio community survey

IBM: Open source is not winning the war in virtualization, cloud … yet

Open Communication and Open Society

Open Courseware: MIT Open Courseware – Computer System Engineering

Open Education: Open Source Education & Training Tools

Open Education: Why Open Education Matters (Video)

Open Government: State court: Government can’t charge for redactions

Open Hardware Hub (Blog)

Open Media: Secretive trade agreement could mean big fines for Canadian Internet users, says new coalition

Open Mobile: Here’s what Qualcomm thinks your phone should do

Openness costs

Open Science: App Connects Rare Disease Researchers to Data

Open Science:  Cray to Deploy Cascade System at DOE Center

Open Society:  When Development Meets Security: Challenges to Open Societies in Africa

Open Standards: More technology, more connectivity challenges

Open Textbooks:  The Cost of College: Open Access Textbooks Cutting the Bookstore Bill by 80%

Open your minds and share your results

Red Hat introduces comprehensive open hybrid cloud solutions portfolio

Red Hat: Open source is driving innovation and the information economy — but battle is not over

Taking “utmost transparency” to the next level – at4am for all!

Wikigrid – a platform for research in the Digital Humanites

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Past Open Source Everything Highlights at Phi Beta Iota

Check Out the Book

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
