Pierre Cloutier: Etienne Chouard and Citizen’s Constitution

Pierre Levy

This guy, professor Étienne Chouard, from France is fantastic. His site is very interesting. It's talk about the citizen's constitution,and draw instead of election, because election = corruption.

Let the governed build the government: Etienne Chouard @ TEDxRepubliqueSquare [in French with English sub-titles]

If those who could govern best don't want power, then who's winning elections? In this impassioned talk, Etienne Chouard wrestles with what the answers may mean for democracy as we know it. (Filmed at TEDxRepubliqueSquare.)

Cette vidéo est sous-titrée en anglais, bulgare, catalan, espagnol, français, italien, portugais, roumain, suedois. Merci à tous les traducteurs bénévoles pour leur aide si précieuse

Etienne Chouard est un homme doux, parfaitement en colère. Poil à gratter de la pensée unique, il agace, perturbe, fait réfléchir. Et en attendant, il bosse. C'est le marathon man des salles des fêtes, l'égérie des résistants, le citoyen d'or d'Agoravox. Calomnié, encensé, il ne laisse pas indifférent. C'est probablement qu'il a quelque chose à dire.

Enseignant l'économie et le droit, à l'occasion du Référendum de 2005, Etienne se plonge dans les textes du projet de Constitution Européenne. Ce qu'il découvre le change à jamais. Depuis, loin des organisations partisanes, il dénonce notre apathie et veut redonner au mot démocratie sa véritable signification. Son credo : une constitution écrite par les citoyens et des représentants tirés au sort.


In 2005, before the European referundum, while teaching economics and law, Etienne Chouard looked closely to the draft version of the European Constitution. What he discovered changed him forever. He woke up, policatilly. Since then, and independently from any political organizations, he warns us against our apathy, denounces our responsibility and wants to restore the true meaning of democracy. His motto : a Constitution written by citizens and representatives selected by sortition.

The most interesting idea in Chouard's work is that we don't live in a real democraty but under a representative government. It is not the same. What the Nations needs is an Open Constitution written by and for people and not by and for professionals politicians and their experts. We need a Citizen's Constitution written by citoyens chosen by draw because in his mind election = corruption. It is a revolutionnary idea.

See his site here :  http://etienne.chouard.free.fr/Europe/  – you can translate it to English or see here:


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