All Opens Below Line – Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost
Core Short Links at End of Post
Boulder researcher spearheads effort to privately fund space science
Crowd funding: A guide for SMEs
Crowdsourcing: Carving the Future of Recruitment
Crowdsourcing the Interpretation of Terms of Service Agreements
Fear Will Hold You Behind Your Competition
The next step in open policy making is greater public input
Turbo Snort Caffeine Nasal Spray Launches Howard Stern Crowd Funding Campaign
18 Oct 2012 London Inspiring future generations with open hardware – the Raspberry Pi
FOSS / FLOSS / F/OSS / Libre
Ask Slashdot: Options For FOSS Remote Support Software?
Gesture Recognition Software Eliminates Your Need for a Mouse in Computer Navigation
LibreOffice team to focus on hard bugs
LibreOffice to Tackle Critical Bugs With HardHacks Program
Samsung successfully neutralizes adverse inference jury instruction concerning deleted emails
Open Access
Pubmed and Open Access Visibility in Translational Oncogenomics
Transcript: What You Should Know About “Open Access”
Open Architecture
Allscripts Customer Experience (ACE) Conference lights up the conversation on open architecture
Emma's new site is tech-talent outpost
Posts Tagged: open architecture
Open Beer
Yeastie Boys win gold for open source beer
OpenBTS / OpenMoko
Openmoko smartphone reborn as hackable GTA04
Open Carry
Open Carry illegal Stop ∞ 2nd Amendment
Why I Open Carry– One Year Ago Today
Open Cloud
Focus on Open Cloud: Rackspace Introduces New Logo And Rebranding
Rackspace extends Critical Application Services to the Open Cloud
Roll-up, roll-up: Open Cloud is ready for business!
Open Collaboration
Wikisym 2012 ready to go in one week!
Open Communication
Belgrade – City of Open Communication
Twitter: Good for Business or Bad for Open Communication?
Open Courseware
MIT Open Courseware 18.03 – Differential Equations Video Lectures
Open Culture
Open Data
First South African Open Data Hackathon Yields 3 Apps
Getting going quickly with Python, MongoDB, and Spatial data on OpenShift: Part II
IT helps Australian bank achieve carbon-neutrality
Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) Publishes Two New Cloud Usage Model
Open Democracy
Is Scotland really the social democratic country It proclaims?
Open Education
65% jump in higher education enrolment in 4 years: Kapil Sibal
Blink Tower WINS Why Open Education Matters
Open Praxis wants articles on open education <-confirm article contributors
Open Elections
Friday was a big day for registered independent voters in Arizona [Open elections open government]
Open Government
Friday was a big day for registered independent voters in Arizona [Open elections open government]
Open Hardware
18 Oct 2012 London Inspiring future generations with open hardware – the Raspberry Pi
Open Innovation
Finding partners at the tea dance of open innovation
Open Journalism
What's missing from the debate on “rebooting journalism schools”
Open Media
Security versus freedom of the press
Forum set to help people understand Open Meeting Law's guidelines
Open Repositories
Open Science
Open Data for Open Science 2012, Australia
Open Science Network in Ethnobiology
Open Society
Kampala Declaration Calls for Support for Community Paralegals
Open Spirituality
An Open Spirituality / Religion / Theology Forum
Open Standards
Microsoft Embraces Open Standards for Office
True Cost
Sweaty Lessons in the ‘True’ Cost of Construction
The True Cost of Owning a Car.
The Business School Unconference
The White House Brings The Conversation Market Mainstream With Geek-Style Unconferences
See Also: Open Source Everything
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