Optimizing Distributed Collaboration for Live Crisis Mapping
My colleague Duncan Watts recently spoke with Scientific American about a new project I am collaborating on with him & colleagues at Microsoft Research. I first met Duncan while at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) back in 2006. We recently crossed paths again (at 10 Downing Street, of all places), and struck up a conver-sation about crisis mapping and the Standby Volunteer Task Force (SBTF). So I shared with him some of the challenges we were facing vis-a-vis the scaling up of our information processing workflows for digital humanitarian response. Duncan expressed a strong interest in working together to address some of these issues. As he told Scientific American, “We’d like to help them by trying to understand in a more scientific manner how to scale up information processing organizations like the SBTF without over-loading any part of the system.”
Online Social Science: Can the Web Graduate from Digital Petri Dish to Virtual Laboratory?
Social scientist Duncan Watts talks about how the Web can deliver on its decade-old promises of delivering researchers with unprecedented access to fodder for behavioral research