NOTE: Network Solutions has gone from #1 to #10 in the web site hosting marketplace, in part because they appear to have been on a descending spiral of out-sourcing to the lowest bidder in India. Yesterday's prolonged outage was courtesy of Network Solutions' poor management of its data center in India. While we are planning a complete transfer of all our websites to a new host in June, we are also told that Network Solutions CEO has finally woken up to the fact that he is killing his company, and made arrangements for a total renaissance by June. Yesterday's outage was NOT an attack by anyone on our public interest site.
NOTE: By sheer coincidence, this website passed 1 million distinct visits yesterday. Thank you for the interest. Donations are humbly requested, use the donate button in the third column — every donations joins you to an email network of smart patriots and world citizens who agree that the truth at any cost lowers all other costs; donations of $15 or more receive the liberation pin — the golden candle of truth. See other options in the third column.