Event: 26-29 MAR 14 ISA (Intelligence)


Intelligence Studies Section Panels at ISA 2014
26-29 March 2014 in Toronto, Canada

See below for the program of the Intelligence Studies Section (ISS) at the annual International Studies Association (ISA) conference taking place 26-29 March 2014 in Toronto, Canada. ISS is one of 27 subject matter sections that make up the ISA. ISS has approximately 350 members, and has been sponsoring research about intelligence as a function of government since the mid-1980s. Additional information can be found here.  This ISS content (4 straight days…19 panels) is one small part of ISA’s much larger conference. The full conference program is 264 pages; find details at the full conference website here.

As the chair of the Intelligence Studies Section, if you have any questions please contact me at marrinsp@jmu.edu or spm8p@yahoo.com

Regards, Dr. Stephen Marrin
ISAT/Intelligence Analysis James Madison University

WA21: Wednesday 8:15 AM – 10:00 AM Experiencing Analytic Tradecraft: Simulations for Education and Training in Intelligence Analysis
Chair William J. Lahneman (Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University)
Disc. Ruben Arcos (King Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain))
TEST Simulation Model: Team Working and Experimental Scenario-based Training
Chris Jagger & Julian J. Richards (University of Buckingham)
Spies and Lies: The Perils of Collection (A Simulation)
James Breckenridge & Kristan J. Wheaton (Mercyhurst College)
Why Senior Policymakers Value Simulations and Table top Exercises
Randy Pherson (Pherson Associates)
Presenting Intelligence Analysts with Ethical Scenarios
Fernando Velasco
Falling short of learning our lessons: Insights from psychology into why we are (fairly) good at identifying, but not learning, our lessons
Sarah Hill

WB39: Wednesday 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM Covert Action and Intelligence Chair Erik Dahl (Naval Postgraduate School)
Disc. Peter Gill (University of Liverpool)
The Enduring Myths of Covert Action
Loch K. Johnson (University of Georgia)
The Future of American Espionage
Joe Wippl (Boston University)
Soft Spying: Leveraging Globalization as Proxy Military Rivalry
Matthew D. Crosston (Bellevue University)
The Special Reconnaissance Unit and the Origins of Clandestine HUMINT in Northern Ireland
David Anderson Charters (University of New Brunswick)
Intelligence agencies and the use of lethal force
Shannon Ford (Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University)

WB73: Wednesday 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM (International) Political Risk: Bridging the Gap between Scholars and Practitioners
Chair Raffaele Marchetti (LUISS Guido Carli University)
Disc. Raphaël Gellert (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB))
Political risk analysis and the theories of globalization: bridging the gap with a new conceptual model
Raffaele Marchetti (LUISS Guido Carli University)
Political risk or political risks: an empirical investigation on the effects of different types of political risks on economic and financial indicators of crisis countries
Francesco Giumelli (University of Groningen)
Bridging the gap between theory and practice? The Concept and Measurement of Political Risk in a Globalized World
Cecilia Emma Sottilotta (LUISS Guido Carli)
The Rise of Politics: Cognition and the Changing Importance of Political Variables to Financial Market Actors
Lauren M. Phillips (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Model, Methodology, and Forecast: Political Risk Over Time In Malaysia
Llewellyn D. Howell (Thunderbird School of Global Management)

WC29: Wednesday 1:45 PM – 3:30 PM Geosocial Intelligence for Deviant Globalization: Analyzing the Spaces and Places of Transnational Crime
Chair John P. Sullivan (Los Angeles Sheriff's Department)
Chair Robert J. Bunker (Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College)
Disc. Daniel S. Gressang (US Department of Defense)
Narco‐Cities: Mexico and Beyond
John P. Sullivan (Los Angeles Sheriff's Department)
Challenges to the Intelligence Process in Violent Border Settings: A Study of Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez under the Calderon Administration
Irina A. Chindea (Fletcher School, Tufts University)
Illicit Network Alliances and Conflict within the Mexican Drug World
Nathan Jones (Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy)
Predictive Analytics and Criminal Insurgency: Understanding Factors Driving Geo‐Location of Illicit Activity, Social Unrest, and Political Conflict
Andrew Trabulsi
Reassessing the Lone‐Wolf Phenomena
Orlandrew Danzell (Mercyhurst University)

WD40: Wednesday 4:00 PM – 5:45 PM Improving Intelligence Analysts’ Understanding of International Actors and Outcomes through Social Sciences and History
Chair and Disc. Stephen Marrin (James Madison University) Intelligence Analysis and Social Science Methods: Exploring the Potential and Explaining the Limits of Mutual Learning
Mark Phythian (University of Leicester)
Intelligence Analysis and History‐‐History and Analysis: A Search for Common Goals and Standards
Michael Warner (US Department of Defense)
Culture as constraint: Intelligence analysis, organizations and social learning
Richard James Aldrich (University of Warwick)
Intelligence Analysis and Philosophy
Terry C. Quist (U.S. Army)

TA22: Thursday 8:15 AM – 10:00 AM Intelligence in a Globalized World
Chair Greg Fyffe
Disc. Richard James Aldrich (University of Warwick)
Co‐operation, complexity and change: Canadian intelligence and the globalized security environment
Jeremy Littlewood (Carleton University)
The Other Ties that Bind: Accountability, Legal Regimes and Security practices for Signals Intelligence Agencies in the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance
Wesley Wark (University of Ottawa)
A Place at the Table: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand in the ‘Five Eyes’ Intelligence Network
Andrew Brunatti (Brunel University)
On Guard for Thee? The Dilemmas and Realities of Border Security in Canada
Arne Kislenko

TB29: Thursday 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM How Can Strategic Analysis Best Support Decision-making in Government?
Chair Thomas A. Juneau (Government of Canada)
Part. Jean‐Francois Morel (Department of National Defence)
Part. Colin H. Kahl (Georgetown University)
Part. Jean‐Louis Tiernan (Government of Canada)
Part. Ward PD Elcock
Part. Rachel Ziemba (RGE Monitor)

TC28: Thursday 1:45 PM – 3:30 PM Understanding American Intelligence: From Strategic Culture to Intelligence Culture
Chair and Disc. Thomas G. Mahnken (U.S. Naval War College)
The Roots of American Intelligence Culture in World War I
Mark Stout (Johns Hopkins University)
Intelligence's Munichs: Pearl Harbor and American Intelligence Culture
Lesley C. Copeland (Carleton University)
Intelligence Culture and Intelligence Operations: A Case Study
of the CIA’s Soviet‐East European Division
Benjamin Fischer (CIA, Retired)

TD23: Thursday 4:00 PM – 5:45 PM Intelligence and Democracy Chair
James J. Wirtz (Naval Postgraduate School)
Disc. Mark Phythian (University of Leicester)
Intelligence Education and New Democracies
Cris Matei (Naval Postgraduate School)
Why democratic control of intelligence is a chimera
Peter Gill (University of Liverpool)
Intelligence Studies and Geopolitics
Sorin-Gabriel Sebe (Bucharest University)
A Legal Framework for Brazilian Intelligence Operations–a Comparative Study of Brazil, Canada, the United States, and Argentina
Denilson Feitoza Pacheco (Faculty Membership)
Congressional Oversight of the Intelligence Community (IC): Who Does What?
Anne Daugherty Miles (National Intelligence University)

FA21: Friday 8:15 AM – 10:00 AM Big Intelligence Jobs for Small States
Chair and Disc. Michael Andregg (University of St. Thomas)
Small state intelligence dilemma: The struggle between common European threat perceptions and national priorities
Olli J. Teirila (Finnish National Defence University)

UN Intelligence: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts
Walter H. Dorn (Canadian Forces College)
Engaging Public Support and Awareness in Intelligence: The Demands and Challenges to Developing a Strong Intelligence Culture
Irena Dumitru (National Intelligence Academy)
Challenges of South Korean Intelligence and Nuclear Diplomacy: North Korea's Weapons Development and Achieving Nuclear Power‐Based Green Growth
Sung Chull Kim (Seoul National University)
Dealing with Securitocracies and the Art of Mediating Peace: A Small Country's Perspective on Intelligence Lessons Learned
Juha Pekka J. M. Makela (Finnish National Defense University)
An Assessment of the Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon (EMP) and its Impact on Critical Electricity Infrastructure
Doron Zimmermann (Swissgrid ag)

FB43: Friday 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM Intelligence Machinery and Organizational Culture Chair
Arthur Steven Hulnick (Boston University)
Disc. Jon Rosenwasser (US Office of the Director of National Intelligence) Canada's Foreign Intelligence Needs: A Reappraisal
Nancy Teeple & Stuart Farson (Simon Fraser University)
A Framework for a Theory of Intelligence
James S. Cox (Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University)
Intelligence Vectors as Seen from Varying National Perspectives: Ramifications for International Cooperation
William C. Spracher (National Intelligence University, Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.)
Intelligence in a Time of Declining Resources
Raymond Palumbo (U.S. Department of Defense)
The Institutional Separation of Intelligence Gathering and Law Enforcement
Brice Coates & Carol-Ann Titus (University of Calgary)

FC40: Friday 1:45 PM – 3:30 PM Historicizing ARGO: Intelligence, “Faction”, and the “Canadian Caper.”
Chair Sarah‐Jane Corke (Dalhousie University)
Part. Christopher R. Moran (Warwick University)
Part. Mark Stout (Johns Hopkins University)
Part. William Daugherty (Armstrong Atlantic State Univ)
Part. Robert Wright (Trent University)
Part. Drew Taylor
Part. Ambassador Ken Taylor

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